
Pressenza London

News published by the Pressenza Bureau in London, United Kingdom

In search of a sane economy

Could degrowth, community, and basic income create a sane economy? An interview with one of the godfathers of the basic income movement, Phillippe Van Parijs. Philippe Van Parijs for openDemocracy-Beyond traffic and slavery. Phillippe Van Parijs is a philosopher at…

How migrants and their supporters are reviving the ethos of the 19th-century underground railroad

Maurice Stierl, University of Warwick for The Conversation The story of the 19th-century underground railroad, a network of secret routes and safe houses helping enslaved African-Americans to escape, has received renewed interest over recent months. The railroad was run by…

After the Argentina debacle, the IMF endorses weakening capital controls in Ecuador

The IMF is backing a tax reform bill in Ecuador that will enable capital flight and further austerity. Lara Merling for openDemocracy Over the past year, a rebranded IMF returned to Latin America with promises of loan agreements that would…

Why people vote for politicians they know are liars

Stephan Lewandowsky, University of Bristol for The Conversation Britain recently elected a prime minister who unlawfully shut down parliament to escape democratic scrutiny and who tells blatant falsehoods whenever it suits him. Boris Johnson casually denies the presence of media…

Establishment journalists have betrayed the ideals of the Fourth Estate

The reluctance of senior British journalists to accept their failures has put us all in greater jeopardy. The election result will probably just embolden them. Callum Alexander Scott for openDemocracy 13 December 2019 How unpleasant it has been over the…

What an audit of the British empire’s deadly toll in southern Africa would reveal

Wayne Dooling, SOAS, University of London for The Conversation In its 2019 election manifesto, the Labour Party pledged to conduct an “audit of the impact of Britain’s colonial legacy”, with the goal of understanding “our contribution to the dynamics of…

The Tories aren’t the party of business – just the London financial elite

The Conservative Party used to look after big, nationwide businesses. Now it serves a finance industry based in a few small areas of the capital. Frances Coppola for openDemocracy Last Friday, openDemocracy revealed that a secretive group of business leaders…

‘Everything Is Not Fine’: Nobel Economist Calls on Humanity to End Obsession With GDP

“If we measure the wrong thing,” warns Joseph Stiglitz, “we will do the wrong thing.” by Jon Queally, staff writer for Common Dreams Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz is warning the world that unless the obsession many world leaders have…

[UK elections] Energy expert: here’s where Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn’s climate pledges leave the planet

Dénes Csala, Lancaster University for The Conversation The 2019 UK general election may be defined by Brexit, but the climate crisis has never loomed larger in the minds of voters. And the country’s two largest parties offer very different visions…

Rabbis write to Jeremy Corbyn to express support and denounce the comments by the UK Chief Rabbi

26th  November 2019 Dear Mr. Corbyn – Leader of the Labour Party I write to you on behalf of the Executive Board of the United European Jews organization regarding an unusually disturbing declaration  that was today reported in the media…

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