
Pressenza Budapest

News published by the Pressenza Bureau in Budapest, Hungary

Massive protests in Berlin against agricultural industry

Berlin, Jan 18, 2014. In a very colorful march about 30.000 people demonstrated with the slogan “We are fed up!” against critical aspects of industrialized agriculture. The topics were as diverse as the participants and the speakers on the podium:…

Holland: Umbrella March against the detention of refugees at the border

This report has been sent to us by the Dutch Council for Refugees: Behind the dark glass there are refugees who are trying to get our attention by waving and jumping around. Suddenly we see a white sheet of…

The Red Cross and Red Crescent adopts a 4-year action plan towards the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons

The global Red Cross and Red Crescent movement today reiterated its deep concern about the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and adopted a four-year action plan towards ensuring that nuclear weapons are never used again. The…

Yellow Oscar award winning Documentary ‘Nuclear Savage” travels with Uranium Film Festival through USA

On November 27th & 28th, 2013, the International Uranium Film Festival (IUFF) will make its premiere screening in the United States, starting in the Southwest with Albuquerque, New Mexico (Guild Cinema) highlighting over 40 films from 15 countries which explore…

“Alternative Nobel Prize” Laureates demand immediate release of Greenpeace activists

Laureates of the Right Livelihood Award and members of the World Future Council from more than 30 countries hail Greenpeace protests against Gazprom’s Arctic oil drilling as a “service to humanity” Hamburg/Stockholm – 10 November 2013: Today more than 75…

New Zealand statement at the UN on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons

Today, 21st October, 2013, at 17:20 in New York, Disarmament Ambassador Dell Higgie from New Zealand delivered the following statement on behalf of 124 states in the UN General Assembly’s First Committee. “I am taking the floor on behalf of…

Afghanistan: the prerequisite for peace is the complete withdrawal of all foreign troops

Pressenza publishes here a report prepared by members of a team of German peace activists who recently travelled to Afghanistan to see for themselves to situation for the people in Kabul.  The report is long but well worth reading.  In…

The global trade in arms: “a clearly visible dagger in the heart of global sustainability”

During our recent visit to Bonn, Germany to give a workshop at the Global Media Forum we had the opportunity to make contacts and friends from many different parts of the world.  Some people we had very little in common…

Regarding the situation in Israel and Palestine

World without Wars and Violence Statement Once more the Middle East, centred on modern day Israel and Palestine, is in a situation of war and we find it again necessary to take a position. We base our position on the…

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