
Pressenza Budapest

News published by the Pressenza Bureau in Budapest, Hungary

“NATO is not the solution for security in the Baltic”

This weekend in a conference in Helsinki, Finland organised by the “No to war, no to NATO” campaign and hosted by peace and anti-war organisations from Sweden and Finland, a string of experts, diplomats and peace campaigners echoed the sentiment…

Ukraine factions to implement the Minsk Agreement on the 1st of September

The region of Ukraine disputed between forces in Kiev and those looking for independence has already suffered 18 months of death and destruction.  The city of Donetsk that previously had a population of 1.1 million today barely reaches 600,000.  Mostly…

The battle between neoliberal and democratic values

A delegation of Humanists was recently invited to Greece in order to give two presentations at the TEDx event in Anogeia on the island of Crete, they also participated in meetings with members of the Greek national and local government. …

5 seconds: A reflection on Hiroshima

At a press conference on the 5th of August organised by the Greek branch of World without Wars and Violence and the Greek peace campaigner Panos Trigazis, in Athens, Nikos Stergiou gave this reflection on the Hiroshima bombing and it’s…

City of Hiroshima Peace Declaration

In our town, we had the warmth of family life, the deep human bonds of community, festivals heralding each season, traditional culture and buildings passed down through history, as well as riversides where children played. At 8:15 a.m., August 6,…

20 years of Budapest Pride

The police were out in force yesterday in the centre of Budapest to ensure that the annual pride march took place without anyone being violently attacked.  The theme this year was acceptance and equal rights because Hungary is a few…

Wikileaks report: Bugging Brazil

WikiLeaks publishes today, 4 July at 08:00 BRT, a top secret US National Security Agency target list of 29 key Brazilian government phone numbers that were selected for intensive interception. The publication proves that not only President Dilma Rousseff was…

Calls for Israel to pass a law regulating the Atomic Energy Commission

Members of the Israeli movement against nuclear weapons, together with former MK Mossi Raz and author and historian Prof. Avner Cohen, demand that within 90 days the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, initiate legislation mandating and regulating the status of the Israeli…

Iran nuclear talks extended to July 7

Difficulties remain in talks between Iran, the P5 and Germany aimed at ensuring that Tehran can never advance from nuclear energy to a nuclear weapons programme. Iran has been pursuing its legal right to develop a nuclear energy programme but…

Peace talks advance in Cyprus

Cyprus has been an island divided ever since 1974 when an attempted Greek-inspired coup d’état led the Turkish government to send forces to protect their community in the north. Ever since then there has been conflict and a UN security…

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