
Pressenza Berlin

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Berlin, Germany

Basic Income: Voting for Freedom

This coming June 5th Switzerland is holding a constitutional referendum on whether to implement basic income policy. Swiss entrepreneur Daniel Häni and German author Philip Kovce have written a book to accompany the referendum. This book is now available in…

WEF 2016: Robot dances for basic income

With its world premier taking place in Davos: The first non-human participant attended the World Economic Forum. “Dancing robot” advertised for an Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) as a solution for the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution. Switzerland will be…

Interview: A Water-Vision from Ecuador

By Rafael Ziegler for Big Jump Challenge In this interview, we spoke with H.E. Jorge Jurado, the first ‘water minister’ of Ecuador from 2008-2010 and since then Ambassador of Ecuador in Berlin. Jurado is a leading political thinker re-envisaging the…

Illegal, Illegitimate, Odious and Unsustainable Debt

Executive Summary of the report from the Truth Committee on Public Debt of the Greek Parliament. In June 2015 Greece stands at a crossroad of choosing between furthering the failed macroeconomic adjustment programmes imposed by the creditors or making a…

Berlin civil society shows its support for the government of Ecuador

The German Ecuador Solidarity group, EcuaSoli, participated with political placards in two Ecuadorian concerts which took place in the German capital. On the 28th of June, hundreds of Germans and Latin-Americans based in Berlin gathered in the city’s Mauerpark to…

Judaism and Islam before and beyond Zionism

Judaism and Islam: their wonderful living together before and beyond Zionism Dr. phil. Milena Rampoldi – for ProMosaik e.V. – published Prof. Rabkin’s article about the perspectives of the Muslim Other in the Jewish tradition. The conclusion of the article is…

Faces of the struggle against homophobia and transphobia

At 17th of may, the International day against homophobia and transphobia, the LGBT activists Stosh Mugisha from Uganda, Alfonso Pantinsano from Germany and Kirill Kalugin from Russia met at the demonstration in front of the Brandenburg Gate. Stosh had to…

Appeal to Gorbachev to initiate a World Peace Conference

The german Left Party (DIE LINKE) has recently published an open letter to  Mikhail S. Gorbachev to be presented and put up for vote at the main party convention on June 6/7. The letter calls on the Former President of…

Reconciliation instead of violence to resolve conflicts

Milena Rampoldi PhD, of ProMosaik eV has interviewed Johanna Heuveling, member of the organisation World without Wars and editor of Pressenza, about her articles in Pressenza, on her visit to Israel and Palestine and the ideas of World without Wars. The…

Je suis Charlie – but I have other names as well

Victor Grossman – Berlin Bulletin No. 82, January 9, 2015 (revised corrected version January 10) Monday evening I had planned to write about the PEGIDA movement in Germany. Although in Dresden, their city of origin, the number of bitter marchers…

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