
Pressenza Berlin

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Berlin, Germany

UN debate on Cuba: Overwhelming majority against US economic war

Voted out: 187 of the 193 member states of the United Nations are calling for an end to the US blockade against Cuba. The USA and its ally Israel are completely isolated. With an overwhelming majority of 187 votes in…

First Worldwide Basic Income Raffle: UBI4ALL Awarding €9,600 per Year

On December 17th, 2023, the non-profit organization UBI4ALL will award a life-changing €9,600 per year (€800 per month) to a fortunate recipient, transcending borders to empower individuals with financial stability. Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) – sometimes also called Universal Basic…

For neutrality and peace instead of NATO and war

In June 2023, the Irish government has been holding a „Consultative Forum on International Security Policy,“ intended to „open a discussion“ about Ireland’s policy of neutrality. At the invitation of Irish MEPs Clare Daly and Mick Wallace, German MP Sevim…

Analysis of the Situation and Consequences in the Region, Our House

In recent days, there has been a sharp escalation of conflict in our region, including the spillover of military actions into Russian territory. By Olga Karach We will refrain from reiterating the widely known facts regarding the “liberation” marsh by…

6th International Congress against Military Bases and War on June 23

The International Network Against Global Military Bases, founded in 2018, is organizing this year the 6th International Congress Against Military Bases and War. Pressenza participates in the panel discussion. Without worldwide military bases, wars would not be possible. That is…

Fabian Scheidler: Why the Release of Julian Assange Is Crucial for Our Future

The release of Julian Assange is crucial to the future of journalism, free speech and democracy. Free journalism is essential to prevent wars that states often justify with lies. This is a speech delivered by Fabian Scheidler at the Brandenburg…

Deaths in the Mediterranean are political intent – the German government must finally act

“The number of deaths in the Mediterranean Sea is reaching levels not seen in years: from January to March of this year alone, 441 people drowned while fleeing to Europe. And these are only the confirmed cases, many more people…

Eugen Drewermann: How can we regain peace and how can we keep it?

The theologian, psychoanalyst, and author Eugen Drewermann is a radical defender of humanity, love, and peace, and a widely recognized moral authority in Germany. In his usual moving and eloquent speech at the conference “Ohne NATO leben – Ideen zum…

Ukraine War Evolves: Who Will Awaken Rip Van Winkle?

Disdaining Diplomacy, Seeking Victory Prefatory Note: This is the third iteration of an essay on the evolution of the Ukraine War, the earlier two versions published online in Transcend Media Service (TMS) and CounterPunch. The essential argument remains: war-mongering geopolitics…

My Values are My Life

For more than two decades, the Goi Peace Foundation from Japan has organised an essay competition for young people. The theme for 2022 was “My Values”. We received 19,986 essays from 152 countries. The winners of the two first and…

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