
Pressenza Berlin

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Berlin, Germany

Dirty Dancing: Assaults in the Berlin dance scene

The Berlin couple-dancing scene is an integral part of Berlin’s nightlife. Thursdays and Sundays at Berlin’s Soda Club (located at Kulturbrauerei), where you can dance pairwise on 5 different floors (Kizomba, Salsa Cubana, Mambo, Bachata, Zouk), are quite simply an…

Acceptance of China’s initiative to renounce the first use of nuclear weapons under an international treaty

Acceptance of China’s initiative to renounce the first use of nuclear weapons under an international treaty. Until now, China has repeatedly stressed that it develops and deploys nuclear weapons only for defensive purposes. At the second preparatory meeting of the…

How to Heal the Wound of Gaza

The world is bleeding. Life force is leaking from a thousand wounds, and maybe the most serious hemorrhage is that issuing forth from Gaza. The wound of Gaza festers with hate, despair, and cruelty, leaching those poisons through the body…

Smear campaign against Pinar Selek thwarted: Turkish court postpones decision

Once again our mobilization has paid off: the solidarity committees and a large delegation in Istanbul have foiled the Turkish Ministry of the Interior’s attempt to designate an academic conference organized in France under the auspices of the Université Côte…

Nuclear weapons for the European Union – a violation of applicable law

In the run-up to the European Parliament elections, some politicians and experts have initiated a discussion about “nuclear weapons for the EU”. Whatever the background to this may be, IALANA emphasises that such plans are not only morally questionable, but…

#ECSA To build another Europe, activists from the entire continent meet in Marseille

From April 26 to 28, hundreds of social movement activists will converge on Marseille from all over Europe. Associations, trade unions, NGOs and local collectives want to make the voice of civil society heard for a social, ecological, pacifist, and…

Peace activists appeal to Putin: Open letter calls for the release of Boris Kagarlitsky

In Russian below In a remarkable appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin, well-known peace activists from across Europe and beyond are calling for the release of Boris Kagarlitsky, a long-time peace campaigner. The letter underlines the profound ties between Europe…

Basic income as a necessary component of a socio-ecological transformation and key element for climate justice

Global warming and the ongoing exploitation and destruction of nature are caused by the prevailing mode of production and life. It disregards nature in its inherent value, uses it as a mere resource. However, this way of production and life…

Shape peace: Your story of overcoming conflict in the 2024 essay competition!

Are you ready to make a difference in the world? The Goi Peace Foundation invites young minds from all corners of the globe to participate in an exciting essay contest designed to bring out the best in youth creativity, energy,…

Nurturing Inner Peace and Global Awareness in Youth around the World

Peace Pals is an international program designed to encourage youth, ages 5-16 to become peacemakers dedicated to living in the spirit of the words “May Peace Prevail On Earth.” Peace Pals fosters understanding and respect for the diversity and oneness…

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