
Pressenza Athens

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Athens, Greece

International arms transfers level off after years of sharp growth; Middle Eastern arms imports grow most, says SIPRI

International transfers of major arms stayed at the same level between 2011–15 and 2016–20. Substantial increases in transfers by three of the top five arms exporters—the USA, France and Germany—were largely offset by declining Russian and Chinese arms exports. Middle…

The Athens Bar Association condemns the instances of police violence – demands speedy accountability

The Athens Bar Association expresses its strong disgust for the instances of exceeding the legal boundaries of police violence against citizens, among them lawyers, that we witnessed in the center of Athens (on 6 March 2021) and in Nea Smyrni…

Vaccines: European Citizens’ Initiative for lifting patents reaches first 100.000 threshold

The European Citizens’ Initiative ‘Right to Cure’, a coalition of over 200 European civil society organizations from 14 European countries, reached a first threshold of 100.000 signatures today. The aim of the initiative is to push a legislative proposal to…

Bregman – Harari on Today’s Challenges

These are two of the brightest minds of our time in life. Both historians, with a particularly optimistic but also subversive perspective, have written books that became best-sellers overnight and are translated into many languages. The Dutch Rutger Bregman and…

Thousands of Students Demonstrate Against the Education Bill

Text/photos: Chrysoula Patsou There was a strong presence, thousands of students in more than ten cities in Greece in response to the tremendous changes which are coming to universities and to secondary education – with a change in the rules…

URBANA: The Public Spaces of Athens from a Gender Perspective

     “Together, although far apart, we decided to analyze the neighbourhoods we found ourselves in during the new quarantine from the perspective of gender and inclusion, using the tools and  methods of feminist urban planning we became familiar with…

Assange Remains in Prison in Spite of the Decision Not to Extradite Him

The decision not to release Julian Assange from prison on bail or on house arrest was taken today by the British court, on the grounds that he is a flight risk and that he should stay in prison until the USA had…

World: Positive news in the difficult year of the pandemic

Is there any positive news in this era that was accompanied by the outbreak of a pandemic? Here are some news and texts that, as human beings, fill us with pride. Because, they allow us to move forward, breaking down…

EMA: recommends first COVID-19 vaccine for conditional marketing authorisation in the EU

EMA has recommended granting a conditional marketing authorisation for the vaccine Comirnaty, developed by BioNTech and Pfizer, to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in people from 16 years of age. Conditional marketing authorization means is the approval of a medicine…

Appeals for the Release of Julian Assange: Manu Chao, Snowden, Oliver Stone

A snapshot from the video of Manu Chao on Twitter #FreeAssange is flooding social media while calls for the release of Julian Assange and against his extradition to the USA multiply. Ordinary people who are calling for the protection of…

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