
Prensa Latina

South Sudanese villagers asked to hand in their weapons

Authorities in the central state of Warrap, South Sudan, today reiterated their call for civilians to turn in hundreds of weapons in their possession, in order to reduce communal violence in the territory. The appeal by the state governor, General…

New protests by textile workers in Haiti

Textile workers returned to the streets today to demand a wage of 1,500 gourdes a day (less than 15 dollars), despite police repression in recent days of protest. “One thousand 500 gourdes, one thousand 500 gourdes,” chanted the protesters on…

WHO says more local production of vaccines needed?

Covid-19 revealed the need to increase local vaccine production globally, especially in low- and middle-income countries, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said today. “The international mRNA centre is an important step in that direction, sharing technology and building on the…

Former Minister Taubira makes official her candidacy for the French presidential elections

Former Justice Minister Christiane Taubira today announced her candidacy for the French presidency in the elections scheduled for April, with a campaign focused on capitalising on citizens’ discontent with social injustices. For several weeks, the senior civil servant under socialist…

Cuba to hold International Biotechnology Congress in April

The Cuban Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry Group (BioCubaFarma) has called on the global scientific community to attend the BioHabana 2022 International Congress, it was announced today. According to a press release from the organisation, the event, scheduled to take place…

Biomedical experts confirm link between longer life and physical activity

Longer lives are linked to physical activity, confirmed research released today, based on the assumption that humans evolved to remain active as they age. Exercise at older ages diverts energy away from processes that can compromise health and towards the…

UNESCO promotes science in the service of peace

The 41st General Conference of Unesco ended this week with important steps towards the objective of placing science at the service of peace and development, with an inclusive and multilateral vision. The forum of one of the governance bodies of…

SCANNER: Living trace of the aborigines in Cuba

When Christopher Columbus landed on the coast of Cuba on 28 October 1492, specifically on the northern coast of the eastern part of the island, he found a land populated by “adventurers who had arrived in successive transmigratory waves”. This…

People’s court tries US and asks for Assange’s freedom

A people’s court here today condemned the United States for war crimes committed in the name of the fight against terrorism, and demanded the release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The symbolic hearing was organised by Progressive International a week…

Cuban women’s history finds place in US publishing house

The US imprint The New Press today added the book In Search of a Space: A History of Women in Cuba, by Cuban writer Julio César González-Pagés, to its extensive catalogue. Recognised among the 20 most prestigious publishers in the…

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