
Prensa Latina

Evo Morales to Attend South Africa 2010 FIFA World Cup

Bolivian President Evo Morales will travel to Johannesburg on Wednesday to attend South Africa 2010 FIFA World Cup opening ceremony.
After confirming on Tuesday his presence at FIFA World Cup opening ceremony, Morales stressed the importance of sports for health, integration, and discipline.
The Bolivian president also will hold bilateral meetings with his counterparts.

Colombia Green Party Wins Potential Voters

The leader of the Colombian Green Party, Antanas Mockus, reached a technical tie in popularity rating with his most dangerous rival in the presidential race, and stated his goal is to win in first electoral round. A poll by the National Consultancy Center and CM News revealed that Mockus has climbed considerably in voting intentions.

Zelaya criticizes governments supporting illegitimate elections

Manuel Zelaya criticized the position of various governments, among them the United States, for supporting the efforts to “whitewash” the coup d’etat of June 28. In a letter to presidents of the Americas, to the OAS and to the UN, Zelaya referred to the countries that recognized the election carried out in Honduras under the de facto regime.

Brazil Not to Recognize Honduran Presidential Elections

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva stressed Brazil would not recognize the Honduran election results as legitimizing the process to ensure a serious president for Latin America. “Brazil does not have to rethink the situation in Honduras”, da Silva added, highlighting the need for one´s position to remain firm, serving as a warning to anyone else harboring similar notions.

Widespread withdrawal of electoral candidates announced in Honduras

(PL) Some 110 candidates for mayor and 55 candidates for congress will withdraw from elections set for next November 29 in Honduras as a protest against the military coup, announced one of the withdrawing candidates today. A candidate for the legislature until today, Alfredo Montalbán explained that the decision was adopted by candidates opposed to last June’s coup d’etat.

World Day of Protest Called Against the Coup d’Ètat in Honduras

Honduran civil society organizations have called for a World day of protest on 28 August against the coup d’ètat and the complicity of US intelligence corps with the de facto regime. “We exhort all people committed to democracy and solidarity to join the protest against the dictatorship set up by the Honduran oligarchy”, the organizing body said.

United States to start withdrawal from the Manta military base

The United States today suspended their operations at the Manta military base, located on the Ecuadorian coast and is starting a process of definitive withdrawal from the facility it has occupied since 1999. Minister of Defence, Javier Ponce said that this is the start of the end until the installation is physically handed back.

International conference on Peace and Reconciliation in Managua

Delegations from various countries and international personalities are meeting until the 18th of July to talk about peace and reconciliation.

Egypt Top Officials to Washington

Cairo, May 24 (Prensa Latina) Egypt”s Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit and intelligence chief Omar Suleiman will travel to Washington to address the Middle East peace process with US authorities, local sources reported on Sunday.

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