
Prensa Latina

Paraguay criticizes military rearmament

The press, politicians and Paraguayan social organizations showed their disagreement regarding the proposal of investing 600 million USD in purchasing weapons for the armed forces. The proposal emerged from the command of military forces and was backed by the Defense…

Arrives to U.S. city of Chicago Mexican Caravan for Peace

Entering its fourth week for more than two dozen U.S. cities, the Caravan for Peace, led by poet Javier Sicilia, arrived today in Chicago with its message of curbing violence that corrodes Mexico. The group includes, among others, relatives of…

US Attack on Syria Likely with UN Support

US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said today that if they get UN authorization, his country might launch a military intervention in Syria, the scene of conflict between the government and armed opposition.
According to Panetta, his main responsibility is to guarantee that Washington gets the support needed from the international community to deploy its troops in Syria.

Europe: Unemployment Affects 11 Percent of Active Population

The economy in the euro zone, formed by the 17 countries linked to the euro, registered a unemployment level of 11 percent of the active population according tolocal sources today.
The Statistics office Eurostat, said that the level is similar to the one reported last month, although it represents 1.1 percent more than the one in the same period of 2011.

Spanish Teachers Support General Strike

Spanish teachers foretold a large participation in the general strike next Tuesday, to protest budget cuts in education decreed by the government of Mariano Rajoy.
After calling a million workers to support the protest, leaders of the 5 largest unions in the sector said that the strike will be an unprecedented success the aggression of the Popular Party (PP) to public school.

March of Dignity in Mining Capital of Chile

A large-scale march was staged by inhabitants of the northern city of Calama, mining capital of Chile, who demand the allocation of more resources to copper mining cities.
The “March for Dignity” went toward the city hall, there they presented a setter addressed to regional and national authorities, rejecting a funding project announced by authorities for mining municipalities

UN Urges Total Elimination of Chemical Weapons

The United Nations (UN) urged the eight countries that remain outside the Chemical Weapons Convention to adhere to this instrument and advance in the destruction of such artefacts.
The call was made by the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon in a message marking the Day of Remembrance for All Victims of Chemical Weapons, which anniversary is next Sunday.

Syrian Human Rights Group Condemns Ilegal Entry of Journalists.

The “Human Rights Network” (HRN) on Thursday denounced some countries’ attempts to confuse the public opinion about Syria, using newspaper articles and news on the reported death and injury of journalists who entered the country clandestinely, such as the U.S. reporter Marie Colvin and French photographer Remi Ochlik.

Russia, China veto resolution on Syria

Russia and China vetoed on Saturday a draft resolution on the crisis in Syria led by the Western powers who advocate regime change in that country. The resolution was approved by the other 13 members of the body (United States, France, Britain, Germany, Portugal, India, Colombia, Guatemala, Morocco, Pakistan, South Africa, Togo and Azerbaijan).

Chile: New Scenery for Social Protests

Chile is facing new social mobilizations starting on Sunday to protest against the country´s institutionalism, inherited from the Pinochet military dictatorship.
A family march is announced for Sunday afternoon, starting in the Alameda of Santiago, to demand free and public education and a law-abiding plebiscite as an exercise of the will to face the country’s problems.

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