
Prensa Latina

South Koreans Travel to Hold Meeting with Relatives in the DPRK

Beijing, Feb 20 (Prensa Latina) More than 100 South Koreans traveled to Kumgang Mount in Democratic People”s Republic of Korea (DPRK) to meet their families following an agreement reached by governments of the two countries. The reunion of families separated…

Russia and Germany Against Interference in Ukraine

Moscow, Feb. 14 (Prensa Latina) Russia and Germany agree to be Ukrainians themselves who resolve the political crisis in their country, declared here today the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, at the beginning of conversations with his German counterpart, Frank-Walter…

OPCW/UNO Confirms Third Chemical Weapons Extraction from Syria

United Nations, Feb 10 (Prensa Latina) The OPCW/UNO joint mission for the dismantling of Syria”s chemical weapons confirmed today the third extraction of dangerous agents through the port of Latakia, and will be destroyed on the high sea. According to…

China Ready to Work with CELAC

Beijing, Feb 7 (Prensa Latina) China declared today to be ready to work with the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to establish, before the end of 2014, the common forum approved at the recent summit of the…

Syrian National Coalition To Resume Dialogue in Geneva

Moscow, Feb 4 (Prensa Latina) President of the Syrian National Coalition (CNFROS), Ahmed Yarba confirmed today his organization will participate in the second round of negotiations with the government of Bashar Al Assad in Geneva, to be held on February…

2nd CELAC Summit Concludes with Important Statements

Havana, Jan 29 (Prensa Latina) The 2nd Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) is expected to conclude today with important statements, particularly in proclaiming the region as a zone for peace and free of nuclear…

Bolivia to Promote from G-77 a Fair and Sustainable World Order

United Nations, Jan 8 (Prensa Latina) Bolivian President, Evo Morales, said today that the South American country will promote from the Presidency of the Group of 77 plus China a fair and peaceful world order based on harmony with nature.…

French Majority Rejects Intervention in Central African Republic

Paris, Jan 4 (Prensa Latina) About 60 percent of French people rejected military intervention of his country in the Central African Republic (CAR), according to a survey by the Institute of Analysis and Opinion (Ifop) released today.The survey, released in…

Thousands of Computer Experts and Hackers Gather in Germany

Berlin, Dec 27 (Prensa Latina) About eight thousand computer experts and activists are meeting in the German city of Hamburg at the annual congress of the Chaos Computer Club, the largest association of hackers in Europe. Spying by the National…

Japan Finalized Purchases of War Weapons Like Never before

Tokyo, Dec 22 (Prensa Latina) The Japanese government this week finalized the purchase of U.S. high-tech weaponry as part of a defense budget estimated at more than $ 1.8 billion for the period 2014-2019.The order includes five submarines, two destroyers,…

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