
Prensa Latina

Cuba Denounces U.S. Manipulation of Terrorism

United Nations, Oct 8 (Prensa Latina) Cuba denunced today before the United Nations that the United States manipulated the issue of terrorism for political purposes by including the Island in its unilateral list of countries that sponsor terrorism. On April…

Doctors Who Worked With Argentinian Dictatorship, to Trial, A First

Buenos Aires, Sep 15 (Prensa Latina) For the first time since the last civil-military dictatorship (1976-1983), medical professionals who participated in clandestine deliveries in order to kidnap the babies born to female prisoners who then disappeared without a trace, are…

Ebola: a Disease Associated with Poverty

By Vivian Collazo Montano* Havana (Prensa Latina) More than six months ago in Guinea Conakry began an outbreak of Ebola, which quickly spread to other West African nations. Since then, 2,473 people got ill, 1,350 of them died because of…

Correa Urges to Improve Pensions in Rural Sector

Quito, Aug 29 (Prensa Latina) President Rafael Correa urged today to improve pensions in the rural sector until they match those in the urban sector, and reiterated his government’s support to farmers. He explained at the 6th Intercultural Meeting of…

Putin and Poroshenko Conclude First Face-to-Face Talks

Minsk, Aug 27 (Prensa Latina) Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart, Piotor Poroshenko, concluded their first face-to-face talks at midnight on Wednesday, the press advisor to the Russian head of State, Dimitri Peskov, said. The meeting started in…

Births in Vietnam Confirm Genre Breach

Hanoi, Aug 25 (Prensa Latina) The gender breach in births in Vietnam confirm the prediction that by 2050, more than four million men will have difficulties to find a female spouse in the country. The latest statistics presented by the…

Julian Assange”s Defense Team Demands UN Intervention

Quito, Aug 21 (Prensa Latina) The defense team of the Australian computer expert and journalist Julian Assange is demanding UN intervention in the case, announced his lawyer, the Spanish jurist Baltasar Garzón, in a statement released today to the local…

Tranquility in Second Day of Truce in Gaza

Ramallah, Aug 12.- In peace and hope woke today the residents of the Gaza Strip in a second day of truce used to find food, water and personal belongings still in rubble. Life returned to normal, witnesses said on Tuesday,…

Experts Discuss in Geneva on Use of Experimental Drugs for Ebola

Geneva, Aug 11 (Prensa Latina) Experts in medical ethics are meeting in Geneva to set ethical limits on the use of experimental treatments for Ebola, a disease which since March has killed about a thousand people. Last week the World…

USA Attacks are Insufficient to Stop Extremists in Iraq

Washington, Aug 11 (Prensa Latina) The United States launched new air strikes against Iraqi insurgents, but without the action of ground troops will be difficult to achieve long-term progress and stop the humanitarian crisis, media said today. The attacks of…

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