
Partido Humanista Internacional

The International Humanist Party repudiates and condemns the coup perpetrated in Bolivia against the legitimate government of Evo Morales

Faced with the serious situation in Bolivia that has led its president Evo Morales to resign, the International Humanist Party expresses its rejection and condemns the coup d’état that the opposition has perpetrated in this country. We humanists reject and…

Humanist Party campaign event in Madrid: “We need to build a new model of society”.

Representatives of the candidates for the European, local and regional elections share their proposals “There are many issues to deal with right now, but it is essential to understand that this system has failed and that we need to build…

International Humanist Party calls on all States to sign and ratify the new UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons are one of the greatest threats to the future of humanity. The nuclear powers possess the capacity to eliminate all life on Earth, and they continue to spend enormous amounts of money on improving these weapons. For as…

No to nuclear tests and military exercises, yes to peace and disarmament on the Korean Peninsula

On the 2nd of September, the joint South Korean-US military exercises known as “Ulchi-Freedom Guardian”, in which more than 50 thousand Korean and 25 thousand US soldiers took part to “review joint defence strategies”, came to an end. The USA…

Humanists reject violence in Bolivia

No to Violence in Bolivia, yes to social transformation We denounce the acts of violence in Bolivia that led to the deaths of four miners in alleged clashes and of two government officials cowardly murdered after being tortured. After centuries…

The Humanist Party says “No to the institutional coup d’état in Brazil”

Impeachment of Rousseff carried out by neoliberalism. The limits of formal democracy. The urgent need to build real democracies. The constitutional president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, has been found guilty of corruption by the Senate and has been definitively relieved…

Attacks in Brussels: no way out through violence.

We strongly condemn the attacks carried out today in Brussels, as we condemn all wars, wherever they may be. It is with immense sadness and great determination that we express our solidarity to the victims and their loved ones. With…

Hunger strike by ex-political prisoner of military dictatorship in Chile

PUBLIC STATEMENT HUMANIST PARTY IQUIQUE HUNGER STRIKE EX. POLITICAL PRISONER OF MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN CHILE On May 16, 2015 representatives of the Humanist Party of Iquique visited Gustavo Masciocchi Leon, former political prisoner of the military dictatorship that is on…

International humanist party statement on world situation

In this moment of history, and as a political party inspired by the current of Universalist Humanism, we find it necessary to analyse the present situation in order to develop proposals for action in the present global context. [Surely, this is a useful reference for others, Editor.] Statement from the International Humanist Party.

Rebelion in Arab countries and the clamour of the people

On January 14 the Tunisian dictator Ben Ali was deposed after 20 years in power. Even if the detonator for the popular rebellion was the self-immolation of a humble street vendor mistreated by the police, over many years the Tunisian people had to bear injustice of all kinds, alarming levels of unemployment and poverty and even the persecution of certain Islamic practices.

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