
Partido Humanista Internacional

“How do you think to end violence?”, Silo

The Humanist International held a meeting on 4 May 2024 to discuss “How to end violence”, with the participation of political and social organizations and individuals from 9 countries (Angola, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Spain, India, Togo, and Uruguay). In…

The end of human pre-history is near

Active Nonviolence is the force that will transform the world On 15 June 2007, a UN resolution established 2 October every year as the International Day of Nonviolence, in recognition of Mahatma Gandhi, who contributed to the world with a…

The survival of many ecosystems depends on pollination

As the Neolithic process of settlement of human communities in villages near areas of cultivation or domestication of animals progressed in the Neolithic period, as agricultural work increased and food production improved, the ability to tame bee hives developed and…

Join this journey toward the Universal Human Nation

The Federation of Humanist Parties (IHP) has launched a three-day worldwide campaign from 19-21 May under the slogan “From Destructive Capitalism to the Universal Human Nation“. The main objective is to denounce capitalism as a prehistoric and inhuman system and…

Europe for Peace

Since ancient times, peoples and nations in their development have been relating in various ways. Sometimes through forms of collaboration, cooperation and exchange. And many others, through looting, subjugation or destruction. One brought recognition of humanity in others; another is…

Conversation on social justice

At its 62nd session in November 2007, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 20 February as the World Day of Social Justice. Today, 18 February, we preview its analysis and discussion with our guests. The UN Secretary General who, in…

It is urgent to re-found the UN if we aspire to a Universal Human Nation

24 October, United Nations (UN) Day, marks the anniversary of the day on which the United Nations Charter came into force in 1945. Shortly afterwards, in April 1946, after failing in its attempts to prevent a Second World War, the…

Ending nuclear weapons remains the urgency of the hour. We aspire to a world without nuclear weapons

Achieving global nuclear disarmament is one of the oldest goals of the United Nations, being the central theme of the first resolution passed by the General Assembly in 1946, and has been part of its agenda since 1959, along with…

Support for Angolan presidential candidate

In view of the upcoming presidential election to be held in Angola on the 24th of August, the International Federation of Humanist Parties (IHP), gives its full support to the candidacy of Dr. Florbela Malaquias of the Humanist Party of…

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 77 years of threat to life

Last Saturday 6th and today, Tuesday 9th August 2022, marks the 77th anniversary of the atomic bombings of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Humanists around the world commemorate this sad and shameful page in the history of humanity,…

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