
Partido Humanista de Chile

8M “The revolution will be feminist or it won’t be”.

“But the system is a man’s world where women have not been able to have access ……” Silo The relentless struggle of women and the spread of feminism in the world has been thanks to countless courageous women who have…

When the river is noisy, it is because it brings stones

Economic groups, Chilean businessmen and extractivist politics have been favoured this last week. Once again, we are surprised by the interpretation and application of a legal norm in favour of one of the most questioned companies of recent times. On…

To each day its own desire and each day a war

In the age of communication, unthinkable in past centuries, we have immediate news, today’s technology allows us to be informed immediately about what is happening in the world, missiles, bombings on our screens. We witness the destruction and cruelty of…

Cynicism in Chile with its phrase “Children first”.

The issue of the lack of protection in the daily life of children in our country is painful and long-standing, from the situation of mass child labour, socially accepted in the fields and in mining since ancient times, to the…

Chile, the country where denialism surpasses reality

The installation of negationism in our culture For some time now it seems that a denialist attitude has been installed in our country. A series of social realities, including studies and figures, and relevant historical or natural facts are denied…

Chilean legislators protect multinationals and criminalise the needs of poor people

The imbalance in the balance of the law. These days we are observing the consequences of the actions of our legislators. Their total disconnection and disaffection with the situation that the poor people of the country live, prevents them from…

We bring to the present the future we dream of

When we talk about future images that will significantly change the precarious situation of the majorities, we are talking about having the political will to go in that direction. In that context, when we review what is being done by…

Political party business in the decline of “representative” Democracy

LATIN AMERICA SUSTAINING A DEMOCRACY WITHOUT A FIX From the premise of dreaming of a Latin America far removed from amateurism where solid leadership reigns, the Latin American and Caribbean region idealises, from civil society, a concrete direction that distances…

Organised local power needs to rescue municipalities from corrupt clutches in Chile

Part of the dynamic of Chilean municipal politics is that every time a councillor loses his or her subsequent re-election, we learn of pronounced deficits in the municipal coffers. Thus, we have emblematic cases of Virginia Reginato in Viña del…

Citizen criticism of processes: school and university admissions 2023 in Chile

With regard to the results of the PAES (university admission) and the chaotic admission process for the different establishments throughout the country, we must focus on this reality from the perspective of the right to education, foreseeing a chronic neglect…

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