
Partido Humanista de Chile

Popular Sovereignty now!

Who takes responsibility for the current chaos? Every day, in the various press articles that are disseminated by the mass media, an accelerated crisis in the governance of the different powers of the State can be seen. This crisis is…

Chile: A political tool to give a voice to the organised social base

The legalisation of the Humanist Party in the Metropolitan Region of Chile is on the right track. To confront this inhuman system from the electoral field is a great challenge, which some brave people have tried alone or in a…

33 years of felony, let’s say enough is enough and let’s change course

Corruption unleashed The knowledge of the corruption scheme of public institutions, embodied by the most powerful and prestigious lawyer of the Chilean elite, Luis Hermosilla (“Here we are doing something that is a crime… that is a crime. And it…

Politics can and must repair, doing once and for all, in favor of the people, what it is possible to do today.

Political situation The cold numbers of an election, in this case a constitutional plebiscite, throw up different readings, some more histrionic than others, with the eagerness to steal the limelight and appear for a second more on the screen, like…

Chile: It is time to make, create, and build a future for everyone

What should be done with FONASA and ISAPRES. For people, without exception, having health care coverage according to the needs that arise at different times of life, is one of the most important priorities, and from the point of view…

A violent approach to violence will not bring peace

The ineffective way of tackling crime Citizen security has become a state issue for democratic governments, and one that has historically been negatively evaluated by citizens, who also consider that the current administration, regardless of political colour, fails to deal…

Chile votes against corporate politicians

On the verge of the end of the formula that explicitly violates the decision expressed at the ballot box, the political elite, who had already betrayed the people, did not want to get their hands on the issue that gave…

Villa Grimaldi, from horror to hope

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the civil-military coup d’état, a commemorative event for International Human Rights Day will be held in the Villa Grimaldi Peace Park, next Sunday 10th December 2023, at 10am. At the event, a…

Disability, a world to be adapted and not the other way round

December 3rd International Day of Disability The United Nations in 1992 declared December 3rd as the International Day of Disability. The aim is to promote the rights and wellbeing of persons with disabilities in all ambits of society and development,…

Four years after the Social Outbreak, violence, robbery and manipulation, the old way of governing

Origins of the failed institutionality in Chile Chile is an “incomplete democracy” due to the authoritarian enclaves inherited from the dictatorship and not overcome by subsequent “democratic” governments. During the civil-military dictatorship, significant public companies at the national level were…

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