
Partido Humanista de Chile

Chile is a polarized state that tries to discipline the population by force.

Carabineros assassinated. In the early hours of the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Carabineros, three non-commissioned officers were murdered on the road between Cañete and Tirúa, in the province of Arauco, Biobío region; an event considered to be…

12 years of ‘legalized theft’ of our sea

A little more than a decade ago, the Fishing Law was based on acts of corruption. Investigations by the Public Prosecutor’s Office uncovered the financing of parliamentarians at the time by the big fishing companies and established the bribery of…

The homeless, a “pressure cooker” that no one is putting out.

The organization of the homeless in Chile is in the form of various neighborhood associations, commissions, and collectives These committees must obtain legal status in the different municipalities of the country, according to the current legislation. They are the basic…

No to the massacre of civilians is also no to FIDAE in Chile

In the context of the madness of the political leaders of the “first world”, in which they are proving incapable of stopping the massacre of tens of thousands of civilians in Gaza (as well as in other parts of the…

Migration is a fact and a right

Just over a year after the approval of the new national migration law, the new text has been amended by the legislature. The text deals with the regulation of refugee status and its procedures to cope with the increase in…

Piñera and his Orwellian ending

Sebastián Piñera, former president of Chile, has died tragically in a helicopter crash in Lago Ranco, Los Ríos region. This event has provoked various reactions and reflections on his life and actions as a politician and businessman. In a critical…

The flames of suspicion

The helplessness of a people in the face of the unbridled and immoral appetite of the economic and political elite. When the powerful feel that the people are surplus to requirements, it is the people who are utterly helpless and…

PH Chile Congress: Political direction for 12 years, collectively defined

The Self-Convened Groups, of the first congress of the Humanist Party Chile All the militants were called to constitute the self-convened groups, in the context of the Congress of the Humanist Party of Chile, to build a joint look with…

Empty shell after 17 years of pension discussion

The system installed under the dictatorship For those who want to observe the characteristics and main direction of the current pension system, it is a model that obliges workers to save, gathering with this money a fund that goes to…

Popular Sovereignty now!

Who takes responsibility for the current chaos? Every day, in the various press articles that are disseminated by the mass media, an accelerated crisis in the governance of the different powers of the State can be seen. This crisis is…

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