
Pablo Ruiz Espinoza

Periodista, pertenece al Observatorio de la Escuela de las Américas en Chile, organización que hace seguimiento a los temas de la militarización. Es parte también de la Revista El Derecho de Vivir en Paz.

USA: Between war and the courage to negotiate

President Joe Biden’s recent decision to approve a $95 billion military aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan is very bad for the world because it assures us that conflicts and military escalation will continue, with undoubted consequences for everyone.…

Kristine Karch: “NATO is a war machine and belongs in the dustbin of history.

Next July, a new NATO summit will take place in Washington DC, USA. NATO recently celebrated its 75th anniversary. Peace organizations from around the world will also gather in the US capital to express their rejection of this military alliance,…

Popular Communication: Exercising the Right to Speech

If only we could put a mirror in front of us and look at ourselves together. If we could give ourselves more time to listen to each other and to talk in pairs, in threes, in the trade union, at…

US: Murders, poverty and discrimination

The 2024 World Report of the international organisation Human Rights Watch (HRW), which analyses the human rights situation in more than 100 countries, went somewhat unnoticed in the mainstream media in Latin America. In my opinion, the mainstream media tend…

USA: Are they spying on us?

It has been 10 years since the revelation that former Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff and former German head of government Angela Merkel were being spied on by the US National Security Agency (NSA). Such was the annoyance that President Rousseff,…