
Other News

OtherNews intends to provide its members and readers with opinions, analyses and comments that can contribute to a global view on the disconnected and contradictory events of our time. Also offering readers food for thought with selected articles from the mainstream media, it is a service addressed to concerned citizens and requires demanding and detailed reading by those who want to follow trends in the increasingly complex reality of today. OtherNews is against the use of information as a commodity and partisan tool.

Russell-Einstein Manifesto

By Garry Jacobs and Donato Kiniger-Passigli (*) More needed now as it was then The Manifesto called for the governments of the world to abolish nuclear weapons Sixty-five years ago this week, Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell and nine other Nobel…

Time for the World Bank and IMF to Be the Solution, Not the Problem

By Franciscka Lucien and Joel Curtain The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have a historic opportunity to help stabilize a world reeling from COVID-19. Doing so will require the institutions to change course and aggressively support poor…

Now Is the Time to Dismantle Our Deportation Machine

By Alina Das* – The Nation Covid-19 makes it clear that our fates are intertwined As our public health infrastructure buckles under the pressure of Covid-19, billions of federal dollars are flowing to the Department of Homeland Security for civil…

Many Milestones but Painfully Slow Progress Towards Gender Equality

By Farhana Haque Rahman* ROME, Mar 5 2020 (IPS) – The narrative surrounding women’s rights in 2020 carries much hope and possibility. A new decade is ushering in important anniversaries and milestones: 25 years since the Beijing Platform for Action, 110…

Ecuador: From the middle of the world to the end of the world

By Boaventura de Sousa Santos As its very name suggests, Ecuador is geographically located in the middle of the world. And now, from all appearances, neoliberalism has decided to carry out its end-of-the-world maneuvers in this country. That is perhaps…

Farewell to the World Social Forum?

By Roberto Savio The first World Social Forum in 2001 ushered in the new century with a bold affirmation: “Another world is possible.” Roberto Savio That gathering in Porto Alegre, Brazil, stood as an alternative and a challenge to the…

The Precipitous Barbarisation of Our Times

By Roberto Savio When all is said and done, it appears that Thomas Hobbes, the 17th century English philosopher who had a dire vision of man, was not totally wrong. From the frivolous to the serious, in just a week we…

The problem with Europe is the euro

by Joseph Stiglitz* In this extract from his new book, the Nobel prize-winning economist argues that if the euro is not radically rethought, Europe could be condemned to decades of broken dreams Europe, the source of the Enlightenment, the birthplace…

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