
Oleg Yasinsky

Periodista independiente de orígen ucraniano, residente en Moscú.

Ukraine, the untold news

The world’s media talk a lot about Ukraine. In the world market of news morbidity, we have an oversupply of war horrors, with many colours of death and only one very black and white political reading. This chapter of the…

From Donbass, against war and against peace

A traveler crossing the vast steppes of south-eastern Europe, of what used to be the USSR, would not differentiate its Russian part from the Ukrainian part, neither by the natural nor by the human landscape. The name of these lands,…

Witchhunt in Ukraine against journalists, activists and left-wing politicians

Many journalists, these days, prefer to remain anonymous in Ukraine. And from some of them now comes this story: One of the most well-known and popular journalists in Ukraine was yesterday arrested by the officers of the Security Service of…

The war in Ukraine: other looks 1

I don’t know if there is any other armed conflict (military operation, invasion, whatever) with more fake news than this one. The parties, mixing everything with everything else, compete to spread their versions without the slightest concern for checking the…

From Moscow: No to war!

History is a hall of mirrors. The parties change places and roles and reflect each other with incredible precision, the grotesque distortion achieved by the curved mirrors of propaganda only highlighting that they are identical. It is impossible to build…

From the aquarium

Conscience continues to deny the reality of what is happening. This crime and the terrible mistake of the Russian power is a direct consequence of a series of previously calculated criminal actions of the West. The West dream of this…

Chile: a Rebellion that Continues

It seemed that nothing would ever happen in this country. Pinochet’s dictatorship, by far the most astute, calculating and efficient of all, sought not only to combat the left and any dissent, but also to reformat the soul of Chile,…

Cuba at the Time of Pandemic

Interview by Oleg Yasinsky (Pressenza) with Cuban journalist Jessica Dominguez Delgado* While almost the entire world, headed by the same capitalist system, begins to admit a profound social crisis and its complete inability to fight COVID-19, what happens in Cuba?…

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