
Oleg Yasinsky

Periodista independiente de orígen ucraniano, residente en Moscú.

Gabriel Boric defies Russia and the ‘Ukraine’ whale in Chilean waters

There is an island in the south of Chile that floats in the mist between the leaden waters of the Strait of Magellan. It is called Isla Dawson and, when the skies are clear, it can be seen by sailors…

Chronicle of a euthanasia foretold

The press of the civilized world, with its usual “humanity”, tells the story of a young Dutch woman, Zoraya ter Beeke, who will die in May this year, “fulfilling her right to a dignified death”, when she will be euthanized,…

The secret of their spirituality

Perhaps one of the best descriptions of the spiritual approach of the ruling system can be found in the famous book ‘The Secret’ by the Australian writer Rhonda Byrne. This work is like an extension of the previous recipe book…

A world without spirit

Many years ago, in the ruins of Sacsayhuaman in Peru’s Sacred Valley, I first encountered a way of looking at the world that I had never known before. Walking among the majestic Inca stones, a television crew from a European…

Yuri Gagarin, the man who came out of the cradle and saw us from the stars

More than a century ago, the famous Russian scientist, great dreamer, and realist, known as the “father of cosmonautics”, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, wrote: “The planet is the cradle of intelligence, but one cannot always live in a cradle”. Mankind left its…

Requiem for Sebastián Piñera

As a protagonist of the immortal Russian novelist Mikhail Bulgakov once said, “We are all suddenly mortal”. On the evening of 6 February this year, the helicopter of former Chilean President Sebastián Piñera crashed on Lake Ranco in the south…

Ecuador loves life

To talk about the current drama in Ecuador, I would first like to start by expressing the shame I feel every time I read or listen these days to opinions about “Correa’s corrupt government”. I knew Ecuador before Rafael Correa…

Chile’s new constitution: change everything so that nothing changes

“The true blues continue to inhabit and disturb the dreams of our adolescent peoples. Now it seems to me that during the social outburst of 2019 when the whole country was taking to the streets chanting “Chile woke up”, the…

They speak of freedom with dirty hands

“The jailers of humanity will not catch me twice with the same net,” said Charly García. At last, it happened. The faithful guardian of planetary democracy and the civil liberties of the world’s peoples, the US State Department, officially accused…

War engineering and Hamas as a black mirror of Israeli society

After the so far unsuccessful initial project to corner, hang and destroy Russia (turning it into the next Ukraine) and after the final transformation of Western Europe into a colony, the US government, for decades now controlled by transnational corporations,…

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