
Nelsy Lizarazo

Nelsy Lizarazo, Colombian, living in Quito, Ecuador. Professional background in philosophy, literature, political sciences and international relations.

Ecuador: Between cynicism and opportunism, we still have dignity

Today, October 9, the day of the National Strike, the afternoon ended with a tweet from President Moreno rejoicing at the beginning of the dialogues with “the indigenous brothers”; a press conference from executive officials enunciating 6 points of their…

Japan: Will contaminated water be dumped into the sea?

In 2022, according to forecasts, the Japanese company Tepco, owner of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, will no longer have a place to store contaminated [radioactive] water after the 2011 accident. Faced with this situation, Japan’s own Minister of the…

Ecuador: Prison Order Against Former President Rafael Correa

For the third time, the Attorney General’s Office has asked the National Court of Justice to ask Interpol to capture former President Rafael Correa. It has already been requested on two occasions but the request has been denied by Interpol,…

Assange: the Ecuadorian State acted without guaranteeing due process

Pressenza interviewed Javier Arcentales Illescas, Human Mobility Advisor of the Ombudsman’s Office of Ecuador, an institution that spoke today about the detention of Julian Assange, at the consulate of Ecuador in London. Here is the interview. Q: The Ecuadorian Foreign…

Colombia: We need to learn peace

On the 2nd of October, the International day of Nonviolence, the people of Colombia went to the polling stations.  After the agreement signed between the government of Juan Manuel Santos and the FARC on the 26th of September after four…

Ecuador parliament approves a resolution to ban nuclear weapons

On the 15th of December 2015, the National Assembly of the Republic of Ecuador approved by a vote of 82 in favor, 1 against and 23 abstentions, a resolution that clearly underlines the urgency of driving forward an international treaty…

Construyendo la No Violencia

Arranca el Octubre por la Paz y la No Violencia en Ecuador. Compartimos con nuestros lectores el primer boletín de prensa de esta iniciativa diversa, múltiple, colaborativa y horizontal. Síganos en este site y viva con nosotros el entusiasmo, la…

Rafael Correa: “This is a humanist model but with the feet firmly on the ground”

By Nelsy Lizarazo for Pressenza Ecuador – President Correa Press Conference. With these words, President Rafael Correa responded to today’s question by Pressenza IPA during the press conference held with members of the foreign press. The question revolved around the…

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