
Nelsy Lizarazo

Nelsy Lizarazo, Colombian, living in Quito, Ecuador. Professional background in philosophy, literature, political sciences and international relations.

Colombia: New round of talks between government and National Liberation Army (ELN), in Caracas

The two sides have begun a new round of talks in Caracas on 20 May 2024, with the commitment to sign an agreement amid the recent tensions, after the subversive group announced that it had ended its suspension of economic…

Brazil – five years without Marielle Franco

On 14 March 2018, Marielle Franco, a Rio de Janeiro councillor, human rights defender and particularly for the rights of black women and sexual diversities, was assassinated. After five years, there are no responses, no perpetrators, no justice. As an…

Ecuador 2023 Elections: what did the Ecuadorian people tell us?

Seven days after the regional elections and the elections of the Council of Citizen Participation and Social Control (the “fifth power”) and a popular consultation of eight questions, with which the neoliberal government of Guillermo Lasso tried to regain lost…

COP 26: “There is a generation that is going to turn the tables on climate change”.

From Glasgow-Scotland, where COP 26 is taking place, Pressenza’s programme Cuatro Elementos interviewed Melissa Moreano, professor and researcher at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar-Ecuador, member of the collective Geografía Crítica-Ecuador and the Latin American and Caribbean Platform for Climate Justice.…

Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Mottley challenges the major powers at COP 26

Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, delivered a powerful speech this week at this year’s COP 26 in Glasgow, Scotland. Do some leaders in this world believe they can survive on their own? Have they not learned from…

Sofía Scasserra: “A supranational digital economy is being generated, over our heads”.

A few days ago, the Transnational Institute published the report: Digital Colonialism, an analysis of the European trade agenda. “Cuatro elementos” interviewed Sofía Scasserra, research associate at the Transnational Institute, to discuss the key points of the report. Q: Remind…

In the pandemic, gender-based violence increased by 38% in Latin America and Caribbean region

We interviewed Dr. Lupita Ramos, academic and researcher at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, to give our listeners and readers an overview of the impact of the pandemic on girls and women. A feminist perspective on the consequences of COVID-19…

Debate Over the Release of Patents on Anticovid Vaccines by Marianella Kloka

The debate on the patent release of COVID19 vaccines is open and has intensified in the context of the WHO Assembly, which is taking place these days. Marianella Kloka, from Pressenza’s Greek desk, which has been following this issue closely,…

Ecuador: With 50% of the votes counted, Andrés Arauz and Yaku Pérez would go to the second round.

Around midnight, Quito time,  the candidate of the Citizen Revolution,  Andrés Arauz and the candidate of Pachakutik,  Yaku Pérez, were leading the presidential elections that took place on Sunday, February 7. A 30.90% for Arauz and a 20.98% for Pérez…

Ecuador: nonviolent sounds and gestures close the tenth day of protests

Ecuador: nonviolent sounds and gestures, Once declared the curfew from 3pm in Quito, capital of Ecuador, the action of the public force was maintained with force until the end of the afternoon, especially in the vicinity of the House of…

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