
Mundo sin Guerras y sin Violencia

World without Wars and Violence has been a non-profit organisation for more than 20 years and receives no funding from any government. It has "Special Consultative Status" with the UN Economic and Social Council.

2nd Walk for the Culture of Peace in Cotia, receives support from the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.

On Sunday 09/18/2019, people from the city of Cotia and neighboring municipalities attended the program of the 2nd edition of the Walk for a Culture of Peace, which took place on Sunday (18), in Cotia. The event had the participation…

The African continent prepares for the Second World March for Peace and Nonviolence

After leaving Madrid on October 2, 2019, the march will continue towards southern Spain until reaching the African continent through northern Morocco on October 8. Several countries are already preparing to receive the core team that will showcase their initiatives……

Regarding US intervention in Venezuela

The background to United States policy of intervention can be found in the Monroe Doctrine, which served to eradicate the commercial and military influence of Europeans in the southern colonies.  Since the beginning, US governments have been aware of the…

Launch of the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence at the 2nd World Forum of Peace Cities in Madrid.

On 7 November from 6pm to 8pm in the Auditorium of the Casa del Reloj at the Matadero Cultural Centre, the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence will be launched. This action will start on October 2, 2019, International…

World without Wars and Violence: Repudiation for Attempted Assassination of the President of Venezuela

Press Release, World without Wars and Violence, South American March for Peace and Nonviolence  REPUDIATION FOR THE ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF THE PRESIDENT OF VENEZUELA We categorically repudiate the assassination attempt that took place in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela against…

Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

The municipal plenary of Santiago de Compostela urges the Government of Spain to ratify the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. As was previously the case with cluster bombs and landmines, the process to ban nuclear weapons…

Confluence of the World March and Jai Jagat

WWW&V International.- Press Release Representatives of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence and the Jai Jagat March, meeting in Gwalior (India), agreed on the collaboration between both marches. These two actions of great magnitude suppose they will mark the…

35 thousand students from 132 educational centres carried out human symbols in the “Peace and Nonviolence” campaign

One more year, in continuation with the “campaign” started last year [i], Human Symbols of Peace and Nonviolence have been made in many schools [of Spain]. Since 1964, the School Day of Nonviolence and Peace [ii] has been celebrated on…

The militarisation of society: Education for war in Czech Schools

In the Czech Republic, since 2013 there has been a Ministry of Defence programme known as POKOS: “Preparing citizens to defend the state”[i]. The main interest is to publicise the activities of the Army in different way.  The Ministry’s website…

Spain: demonstrating peace and nonviolence

By Jesús Arguedas. Students, young athletes and groups of adults have been going around numerous schools in Madrid organising nonviolence and peace symbols.  These activities have taken place in recent weeks and aim to be a preparatory work for an…

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