
MRG - Multiconvergência de Redes Globais

Articulation of transnational citizens' networks

Overcoming obstacles towards a World Citizens’ Parliament

Global challenges and pathologies (climate change, the destruction of the shared biosphere, poverty and unequal distribution of wealth, profit-orientation, authoritarianism, gender inequality, racism, and more) require worldwide networking and solutions, which, however, must not only be enforced at the global…

The wisdom of peoples in global networks

The third meeting of the Council of the Wisdoms of the Earth’s Peoples was held on 09.04.2021, with all seven networks present. With satisfaction, we have observed that the experiment of the Parliament of Planetary Citizenship has been consolidating to…

Listening, Mindfulness, and Nonviolent Communication

I’m Siddhartha from India, member of the Dialogues in humanity global network. Together with other men and women that represent networks which act at global level, I’m part of the experiment of a Council of Wisdom of the Earth’s Peoples.…

29th of May: First meeting of the Council of Wisdoms of the Earth’s Peoples

The Multiconvergence of Global Networks (MRG) is an articulation that aggregates global networks for mutual support, dialogue, development of common strategies and planning of joint actions. It is not an institution, but a confluence of global civil society networks that…

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