
Mona Gonzalez

Writer, educator, and coach. Writes about home safety, environmentalism, personal, and social development for Enrich Magazine and has published children's stories in Enrich. Contributor, Philippine Graphic Magazine. A life coach with a focus on social intelligence. Also conducts writing and personal growth webinars and seminars. Currently working on a book on ecology.

Prominent Schools Celebrate the Philippines’ Peaceful Revolution, Despite Marcos’ Presidency

A group of the most prominent schools in the Philippines recently reaffirmed February 25, the date of the nonviolent EDSA People Power Revolution anniversary, as a non-working holiday – despite its exclusion from the Philippine government’s official list of holidays.…

A Giant Millipede is Found Again After 127 Years 

It all began one morning when Christina Biggs, lost species officer for Re:wild, saw a giant millipede crawling over her boot. “I filmed it for a while because I thought it was cool, having no clue that it was an…

The Love Story of French President  Charles de Gaulle With His Daughter, Anne, Who Had Down Syndrome

by Mona Sabalones Gonzalez   “For me, this child is a grace, she is my joy, she helps me to look beyond all the failures and honors, and always to look higher.” ~Charles de Gaulle Charles de Gaulle was described…

Ravens Are Intelligent, Strategic, And Playful

A “Love for Living Animals” Essay   Edgar Allen Poe’s classic poem,  The Raven, has through generations, led people to know about this bird for the first time. The poem turned Poe from a nobody to an overnight celebrity. Children followed…

The Tap-Dancing Trapdoor Spider, Lost for 92 Years, Rediscovered Outside a Small Portuguese Town

According to Rewild, the elusive Fagilde Trapdoor Spider (Nemesia berlandi) had been hiding underground for 92 years just outside Fagilde, Portugal. It was rediscovered recently near the village it was named after. The female Fagilde Trapdoor spiders are tiny, growing…

The Engineers of the Forest: Matt Ward of the Talarak Foundation Talks About the Visayan Warty Pig

“Observing this species (Visayan Warty Pig) from camera trap images or within captive enclosures, you can see how family oriented and socially intelligent these animals are. I was also surprised at how diverse the personalities and physical appearances were within…

30 By 30: Wild Land Workers Need a Fivefold Salary Increase to save 30% of Global Wild Lands by 2030

The first-ever study of its kind stresses that earnings of natural park staff  must increase for the health of life on Earth Governments around the world have come together to potentially commit to protect 30% of the planet’s wild lands by 2030. The…

The Critically Endangered Visayan Warty Pig Uses Sticks for Digging and Rocks to Test Electric Fences

The use of tools is often related to primates and birds. But it was discovered a few years ago that a pig, the Visayan Warty Hog, uses sticks and bark for digging, and rocks to test electric fences. It’s the…

Elizabeth Barrett, Animal Photographer For Education

“There is a saying, particularly apt for wildlife photography: the best camera is the one you have with you.”~ Elizabeth Barrett She is the author of the book, “A Foreigner’s Guide to Moscow” (available on Amazon, and is as intent on…

Sex, Motherhood, and Extinction: The Unique and Extinct Saint Helena Giant Earwig

ENDANGERED/EXTINCT SPECIES/ ESSAY Let’s talk about sex It’s a shame that one can’t observe the courtship ritual of Saint Helena Island’s (SHI) earwig. Because within this bug group, courtship is a surprisingly elaborate affair. First, the male taps and strokes…

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