
Milena Rampoldi

Milena Rampoldi è nata a Bolzano nel 1973 e dopo i suoi studi teologici, pedagogici, filosofici e orientali in Italia ha proseguito con il dottorato di arabistica sul tema della didattica arabofona del Corano a Vienna. Insegnante di lingue e traduttrice, da anni si occupa di storia e religione islamica, di questioni politiche ed umanitarie, di femminismo e diritti umani e di storia medio-orientale ed africana. Tra le varie pubblicazioni, soprattutto in lingua tedesca, figurano i testi italiani sui Corsari del Mediterraneo e sul filosofo René Guénon. E' promotrice dell'Associazione per il dialogo interculturale e interreligioso Promosaik

War on Muslim Women!

War on Muslim Women, a Great Conference by Abdullah Hakim Quick By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. A timely – and still valid – conference was held in Australia in 2008 by Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick, a Canadian Muslim convert and…

ProMosaik interviews the peace activist Pia Figueroa Edwards

We have talked to Pia Figueroa Edwards, an activist for non-violence and peace from Chile. We have asked her questions about humanism as the right way to go, about her socio-political acitivity, about her strategy. A great woman, strong, and…

Mauritania: fighting against slavery

The manifesto of ProMosaik e.V supports the organisation’s fights against injustice, slavery, exploitation, human trafficking, poverty, and ignorance. Concerning slavery up to now, ProMosaik e.V’s book project focusses on Mauritania, where slavery still exists in society; also on slavery in…

Interview: American poet and peace activist Michael R. Burch

The interview was about his peace plan for Palestine. We asked him a few provocative questions which we are really happy he answered. The idea of starting from LAW to bring PEACE is very challenging. It is worth thinking about…

Hiramic Brotherhood of the Third Temple, a review

Introducing this collection of articles written by the author of the novel “Hiramic Brotherhood of the Third Temple” is easy and difficult at the same time. It is easy if we understand how important our children are and that only…

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