
Milena Rampoldi

Milena Rampoldi è nata a Bolzano nel 1973 e dopo i suoi studi teologici, pedagogici, filosofici e orientali in Italia ha proseguito con il dottorato di arabistica sul tema della didattica arabofona del Corano a Vienna. Insegnante di lingue e traduttrice, da anni si occupa di storia e religione islamica, di questioni politiche ed umanitarie, di femminismo e diritti umani e di storia medio-orientale ed africana. Tra le varie pubblicazioni, soprattutto in lingua tedesca, figurano i testi italiani sui Corsari del Mediterraneo e sul filosofo René Guénon. E' promotrice dell'Associazione per il dialogo interculturale e interreligioso Promosaik

Female circumcision – the worst anyone can do to a woman

The following is an interview with Fadumo Korn, chairwoman of the association Nala e.V., an interpreter in Munich, Germany and author of the brave book entitled “Geboren im großen Regen” (Born in the big rain). As a victim of FGM,…

Islam against female genital cutting – ritual outside of religion

In traditional societies, FGM or female genital mutilation, is still justified and explained under the terms of  “Islam”. However, FGM is prohibited according to Islam because it causes enormous harm to the bodies and souls of women. FGM is a…

Islam as a feminist religion – an Iranian activist speaks her mind

Jila Movahhed Shariat Panahi, born in 1951, had her Science Engineering Degree from Sharif University of Technology in 1973. After graduation, she worked for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran as a specialist in Radiation Protection. After the revolution, in 1985, she…

Turning a death economy into a life economy

Interview by Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. – My interview with bestseller author JOHN PERKINS. We have just translated an article about Panama Papers into German. ProMosaik is convinced that economists and writers like John Perkins have a lot to say…

Zionism, one of the most unfortunate manifestations of modern nationalism

Jennifer Loewenstein interview, by Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V.  My interview with the journalist Jennifer Loewenstein, who has been writing for years on the Middle East, first an introduction: “This year I’ve been working on Iraq and Syria more than anything…

Japanese Calligraphy: an interview with Chikako Fukami-Thomsen

Calligraphy, the key to express Japanese culture; thoughts put into ink. Chikako Fukami-Thomsen swas born in Kyoto, Japan, and now lives in Zurich. She has been working with calligraphy and painting (Nihonga) since childhood, and has taught calligraphy in Japan,…

Female circumcision governor of ‘appropriate’ female sexual behaviour in the USA!

FGM in the USA – a forgotten phenomenon: an interview with Sarah Rodriguez By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. Female Circumcision and clitoridectomy were a quite common practice in the United States during 150 years. So FGM is not just an…

Islam’s approach to gender justice

 Abdulhalim Abu Shaqqa: By him men will understand the real nature of Islam’s approach to gender justice (Kaleem Koya) By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. In the following I would like to introduce you to a teacher, translator, and editor from…

Do the new elections in Uganda mean renewed and increased ritual murders?

Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V.: New elections in Uganda are to be held imminently. It is most likely that the  president of the country, Yoweri Museveni, who is running for his seventh term will remain president of Uganda, as usual, after these elections.…

Iran’s Sedigheh Vasmaghi says Islam is never opposed to equal rights for women

Sedigheh Vasmaghi: Islam never opposes equal rights for women By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. – an interview with Sedigheh Vasmaghi about women in Islam. Dr. Sedigheh Vasmaghi is a lawyer, poet and author from Iran. She is known for her…

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