
Micky Hirsch


These are moments of deep reflection, in the face of what’s happening in Israel and in the world. I feel a profound sadness for what I perceive as a clearly misguided direction in how events are unfolding and how difficulties…


There is only one option for Israel to live in peace and at the same time set an example for other countries around the world: It is to understand that there can only be peace when the same is offered…

Cruelty that has no name

The synagogue in Munich, Bavaria, was built in the centre of the city, in an area that had been a Jewish quarter before the Nazi expulsions and murders. It is built of large stones of that yellowish hue seen in…

War, day 4 (life in Tel Aviv)

I walk through streets with few people, it’s four o’clock in the afternoon and very hot, but the intense humidity weighs most heavily. Suddenly there are alarms about a missile attack. I continue walking quietly, but I see people running…


I am woken by the wail of a siren, followed by a couple of explosions, which I later learn are interceptor rocket attack missiles fired by the Palestinian group Hamas from Gaza. Later, my host in Tel Aviv appears, commenting…

War, Day 3

The streets of Tel Aviv remain empty, and stores are closed except for a few selling food… schools are suspended, the country remains in a state of emergency and under a declaration of war! There is disbelief among journalists and…

Chile: Elements to Contemplate in a New Humanist Constitution

As Universalist Humanists, we aspire to a Universal Human Nation. Understanding that it is a long process to get there, we will be advancing in proposing a New Humanist Constitution for any territory (inspired by the process carried out and…

Brief summary of the draft of the new Chilean Constitution

The Chilean Constituent Convention has presented the draft of a new Constitution that will be submitted to popular approval by means of a plebiscite called for next September 4. It is interesting to note that this new text has been…