
Mark Lesseraux

Mark Lesseraux is a singer/songwriter/socio-political columnist from Brooklyn, New York, USA. He is a Humanist, a proponent and practitioner of Active Nonviolence and a student of Nonduality.

A Case Of Mistaken Identity Politics

By Mark Lesseraux Many are questioning what has been a noticeable upsurge of attention being paid to the subject of race and racism in the mainstream left media over the last few years. Interestingly, this upsurge of attention to race…

Woo’s Next

Newton’s Woo About three hundred years ago in 1728, Isaac Newton put forth a theory that has since become very well known. He termed this idea The Law Of Universal Gravitation.(1) The basic premise of his concept was that celestial…

Leaving The Matrix Part 2 – The Double Meaning Of The Meaning Of Life

Note I use the terms “Universal Consciousness” and “Mind-At-Large” synonymously in this article. Meaning And Meaning The word “meaning” has a double meaning. On one hand it has to do with purpose, with goals, with the objectives of life. On…

Leaving The Matrix Part 1 – Dualism Is Dead

One Hundred Forty Years Ago About one hundred forty years ago the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche made his infamous announcement “God is Dead”. In the century that followed, Nietzsche’s brash declaration was often misinterpreted by both scholars and the public alike.…

The Collapsing American Dream (What Comes Next?)

About two months ago I came across a journal of my grandfather Herman Lesseraux’s writings in a storage closet. Some of the entries in the journal dated back to the beginning of twentieth century (1912) when he and his family…

A Population Between A Sword And A Wall

“My heart is Democratic but my brain is kind of Republican.” – Jamie Dimon (Multi-billionaire, Chief CEO of JPMorgan Chase Bank) By Mark Lesseraux Many people in the US and around the globe are expressing surprise these days at what…

The Fall Of The Liberal Left, The Rise Of Neoliberalism And The Resulting Confusion That Has Ensued

Many people feel confused by the word “neoliberal”. It’s understandable that they’re confused. The term “neoliberal” is an odd and confusing piece of language that is very often conflated with the term “liberal”. They are not the same thing. In…

Deregulation and Record Profits for the Super-Wealthy = Restrictions and Evictions for Us

A Report From Roosevelt Field Mall By Mark Lesseraux I was in Roosevelt Field mall last night. I was not there to shop. The mall was completely packed with people. Between 65 to 75% of these people were wearing masks…

How President Trump Has Completely Handed Over The United States To The Extremely Wealthy

By Mark Lesseraux President Trump cut all of these people’s taxes by 15% recently. He also stripped away long fought for protections and regulations (which he’s very open about and proud of btw) so as to increase the number of…

Free Your Mind And Your Ass, Which Is Not Separate From Your Mind, Will Follow (A Case For Universal Consciousness)

By Mark Lesseraux Disclaimer: What you are about to read might rattle you a little. It might shake you up a bit. It also might not rattle you or shake you up at all. In fact you might be quite…

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