
Mark Lesseraux

Mark Lesseraux is a singer/songwriter/socio-political columnist from Brooklyn, New York, USA. He is a Humanist, a proponent and practitioner of Active Nonviolence and a student of Nonduality.

It’s The End Of The Unipolar World As We Know It (And I Feel …)

As You’ve Surely Noticed As you’ve surely noticed, there have been a lot of changes taking place over the last couple of years. There’s the pandemic, the continually escalating prices of just about everything and a host of other oddities…

The People Of Ukraine Have Been Severely Betrayed By The US

When A War Is Unsuccessful The war in Ukraine is a multifaceted disaster. If you haven’t heard or if you haven’t accepted that pretty much everything has gone terribly wrong for Ukraine, the US and NATO in this war then…

The sanctions against Russia are causing inflation and dislocation almost everywhere in the world … except Russia.

The Ruble is Now Officially the Strongest Currency in The World By the end of May the Russian ruble was officially declared the strongest currency in the world. (1) In the first two weeks of June its value continued to…

Ukraine is Losing Badly and Things Are About to Get Much Worse for Them, Unless …

A Bit Of Context For Those Who Decide To Read This The information in the article you are about to read, if you choose to read on, will most likely clash with some of the mainstream media’s presentation of what…

What’s Really Happening In Ukraine: Russia Is Winning

The NY Times Suggests That “Winning” Might Not Be A Realistic Aim For Ukraine A little less than a week ago the editorial board of the New York Times posted an article that essentially calls for Ukraine and US-NATO forces…

The Difficult But More Humane And Sane Option

“Putin Puppets” Over the last two months, we’ve seen and heard a near-uniform drumbeat, a corporately funded chorus of news people, pundits, and Hollywood stars pushing for pretty much every form of military escalation in Ukraine. Curiously, there has been…

We Have Entered A Post-Capitalist Era

Something Strange Has Happened “Something strange has happened … Something has changed over the last year or two.” You’ve probably been hearing people say these sorts of things lately. Come to think of it, you’ve probably been hearing yourself thinking…

The US and NATO’s Sacrifice Of Ukraine

THE INCEPTION POINT OF A NEW ERA We are fast approaching the 33rd anniversary of Mikhail Gorbachev’s decision to untie the Soviet knot that held back the countries of Eastern Europe from moving in an independent, democratic direction. A decision…

Leaving The Matrix Part 3 – The Heart Shaped Doorway

On A Personal Note I started writing this “Leaving The Matrix” series about two and a half months ago. Initially I was excited at the prospect of arranging the ideas I’ve been encountering, contemplating and testing over the last four…

A Case Of Mistaken Identity Politics

By Mark Lesseraux Many are questioning what has been a noticeable upsurge of attention being paid to the subject of race and racism in the mainstream left media over the last few years. Interestingly, this upsurge of attention to race…

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