
Mark Lesseraux

Mark Lesseraux is a singer/songwriter/socio-political columnist from Brooklyn, New York, USA. He is a Humanist, a proponent and practitioner of Active Nonviolence and a student of Nonduality.

The US Is Nobody’s Friend, Not Even Its Own

Introduction I realize that some of the articles I’ve been writing over the course of the last year and a half have been challenging for some folks to take in. I get it. I understand. Writing these articles has been…

Summer Of Suicide 2023

“Yeah, That’s Called World War III!” Joe Biden, Victoria Nuland, Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan are quite aware of how devastated and depleted the Ukrainian army is and has been since this past winter. This is why President Biden continues…

Putin’s War in Ukraine is Headed Toward a Conclusion, While Biden’s War in Ukraine is Just Beginning to Heat Up

Introduction Fifteen months ago, I began writing a series of articles about what was taking place in Ukraine and what was likely to take place in the future there if a peace settlement was not reached. I’m sorry to say…

The Empire Strikes Out

The World Has Just Changed Dramatically Although most Americans are not aware of it yet, over the last eight to twelve months the world has undergone a change the scale of which has not been seen in almost a century,…

The Majority of the World Finally Says “Go F___ Yourself” To The US

Inception In 1968 the United States began to get a glimpse of the limitations on its apparent omnipotence. Lyndon Johnson’s attempt to simultaneously create a “New Society” without poverty, to put a man on the moon and to conduct a…

Meet The Faces Of Death

First Things First I have condemned and continue to condemn Russia’s violent invasion of Ukraine in the strongest possible terms. I ask that you keep this in mind as you read on. The Impending Fall of the “Fortress” Both the…

US and Them: Why an Immediate Diplomatic Settlement is the Only Coherent Endgame for Ukraine, Russia and the Rest of the World

A Year of Total Escalation We’re fast approaching the one year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Over the course of the year 2022 the US, with its NATO allies in tow, did everything in its power to escalate the…

Lament Of A Lifelong Liberal Democrat

1976 When I was in the third grade my class was given an assignment. We were each asked to write a letter of support to the presidential candidate of our choice. The two main candidates that were running for president…

Invasion of the Waveform Snatchers

It’ll be interesting to see how musicians and singers deal with what has unfolded and what’s about to unfold via the new AI technologies that are coming down the pike in this decade we’re in. Frankly, what concerns me are…

Rise Of The New Decadents

Francis Fukuyama’s Fever Dream Thirty years ago an American Political Scientist named Francis Fukuyama declared, without irony, that history had come to an end.(1) He meant it figuratively of course, but he also wasn’t kidding around. He was quite serious.…

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