
Marita Simon

Reconciliation begins in Berlin

Maybe it’s no accident. In one of the most pulsating metropolises of life in today’s Europe, the wind of Reconciliation has blown throughout the month of June 2018. The activities, created and promoted by a multilingual group of members of…

Austria rejects the far-right path

Austrian presidential elections: After the third election the more decent candidate, Alexander van der Bellen, finally won. In Austria, the Federal President is directly elected by the people in contrast to other countries. The office of the Federal President is,…

No importa en qué bando te hayan puesto los acontecimientos

Los pensamientos me presionan una y otra vez, independientemente de que trate de hacerlos a un lado: “Pero este es mi país. Tengo derecho a vivir aquí aunque no haya espacio para toda esa gente de esos países pobres, aquí…