
Margarita Labarca Goddard

Biden, Trump or neither?

The President of the United States is the most powerful man in the world, I don’t think anyone doubts that. Perhaps that status will be short-lived, but for now it is. He is backed by money, weapons, including nuclear weapons,…

Are we anti-Semitic?

I don’t know why everyone insists on using the word anti-Semitism to refer to criticism of the Israeli government when the Palestinians are also Semites. However, this term has become so common, and even the Royal Spanish Academy has adopted…

The sacred right to asylum

What stupid arguments the defenders of the current Ecuadorian government come up with. All tyrannies, all anti-democratic governments, make criminal accusations against their opponents. In Chile, all of us, or almost all of us, who have taken asylum have faced…

The evil pharmaceutical companies

Why do I call them evil? Because they live off the sickness and misfortune of others, and the sicker people are there, the more they rejoice, because the more they earn. An arms manufacturer can say that he makes them…

How people’s power is created

In the 20th century, different conceptions of the forms of struggle were debated, but all of them, in one way or another, were synthesised in “the seizure of power”. Whether it is taken by nonviolent means or by armed means,…

The traces of memory

By Hugo Behm Rosas* FRATERNITY IN THE CONCENTRATION CAMPS OF THE DICTATORSHIP From the foreword by Miguel Lawner: This is a song of fraternity over hatred. There are not many books written about the experiences suffered by tens of thousands…

Traces of memory

By Hugo Behm Rosas* FRATERNITY IN THE CONCENTRATION CAMPS OF THE DICTATORSHIP From the foreword by Miguel Lawner: This is a song of fraternity over hatred. There are not many books written about the experiences suffered by tens of thousands…

The ” Black Carnation”, a hero who saved thousands of lives during the Dictatorship

In times of the Chilean dictatorship, as in Nazi Germany, there were murders, tortures, betrayals, cowardice and all the evil one can imagine. But there was also solidarity, fraternity and extreme heroism. Perhaps it is always in times of catastrophe…

Colombian President Gustavo Petro’s moving speech at the United Nations

It may not have been the best speech, because the topics he addressed were limited, but it is the one that brought tears to many people’s eyes. The whole speech was very emotional, courageous and beautiful. Of course, because of…

The daily slaughter

The Yankees are the most powerful country in the world. They are the richest, have the best army, the best cars, eat the most junk food, and are the fattest, although the latter is not in the movies. If you…

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