
Marcelo Trivelli

Presidente de Fundación Semilla y Miembro de la Red Regional de Educación para la Ciudadanía Mundial de América Latina y el Caribe.

The (not-so-hidden) agenda for raising fertility rates

According to the INE, Chile’s fertility rate will reach 1.5 children per woman in 2022. This figure is the lowest in Latin America and similar to rates in European countries. It is argued that this figure is not ‘sustainable’ in…

Social media addiction is real

Social networks are neither harmless nor neutral. They are designed to attract, maintain and increase the attention and engagement of their users. They are particularly risky for children and young people, as social media addiction is a real phenomenon. Social…

Non-sexist education: a protective factor against violence against women

On 6 March, the Chamber of Deputies approved the bill “Establishing Measures to prevent, condemn and eradicate gender-based violence against women” in the third constitutional process. A few days later, the Constitutional Court rejected a request by a group of…

Catalina was robbed of her will to live

“They took Catalina’s will to live”. With these words, Catalina’s mother begins an open letter to the community in which she describes the situation of her daughter, a student of Educational Therapy at the University of Los Andes, who took…

They have blood on their hands

In recent days, executives of the largest social media companies appeared before the US Senate. On the occasion, Senator Lindsay Graham told them very clearly: “Mr. Zuckerberg, you and the companies before us, I know you didn’t mean to, but…

Peso Pluma or the hypocrisy and conservatism of elites

The opinion column by Chilean Alberto Mayol entitled “Sometimes you have to listen to the voice of the narco”, a political analyst associated with the left, in which he argues that the invitation to Peso Pluma to participate in the…

Chile: We’re screwed

I am one of those who maintain that the problems of democracy can be solved with more democracy. But it must be a good democracy, otherwise, we’re screwed. Individualism, arrogance, competition, ambition, selfishness, idleness, and over-ideologisation of the extremes are…

PISA’s glass half full

PISA stands for Programme for International Student Assessment. PISA is not a test, but rather a contribution to decision-makers by measuring the performance, wellbeing and equity of students in their respective education systems. The study was conducted with 700,000 students…

Education: After Santiago 2023…WHAT?

If the financial and institutional effort had been put into Santiago, the media coverage has allowed millions of viewers to have access to the competitions, which have been mainly focused on those involving Chilean athletes. There is enthusiasm and passion,…

An eye for an eye, a civilisational step backwards

Holy books contain theological principles and play a crucial role in the transmission of faith. The Bible in Christianity, the Koran in Islam, the Torah in Judaism are texts that are taught from the cradle, becoming absolute, undeniable and exclusive…

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