Luis Ammann
Books instead of Bombs
A document published in March by UNESCO reports that more than twenty-eight million children in those countries affected by conflicts do not receive education. If rich countries transferred monies from their military spending for just six days over to education, in 2015, the objective of Education for Everyone could be achieved.
Second wave of the Arab Revolt?
Intentional or not, as there are no documents to support this hypothesis, the attack on Libya has served as a diversion to hamper a possible “second wave” of popular revolts in the Arab world. These are the thoughts of the political analyst Immanuel Wallerstein in Znet, published on 2 April by Rebelión and we circulate it because it is a different – and possible – view.
A world without wars and without violence
Hugo Ghiara, member of the “Mediterranean” team of World without Wars and without Violence and editor of the digital newspaper Globatium, announced a proposal which arose from the meeting of delegates from the humanist organisation WwW in Madrid. Members from 11 countries and using 8 different languages participated in this meeting. The following is Hugo Ghiara’s summary:
Mercosur Summit
On the 2nd and 3rd of August, the Argentinean province of San Juan was the venue for the 39th meeting of the board of the Common Market and Summit of the Leaders of MERCOSUR and Associated States . The main achievement was the Customs Code “a document, a very important piece of regional legislation”, which has been agreed, and which is the result of six years of work.
The Malvinas again
Journalist Luis Ammann points out that 2010 may be the tensest year in Argentine-British relations since the 1982 war and the Argentine government must demonstrate the temper necessary to place its actions in a non-violent framework. Recently, the United Kingdom unilaterally authorized the search for petroleum in the islands’ undersea platform.