
Konstantina Baskozou

Konstantina Baskozou is 48, has worked in the private and public sectors, both in Greece and Cyprus, concerning business restructuring, quality assurance systems and HR development. She has relevant experience in market research as well as in managing European programs for manpower training and employment.

The manipulation of public opinion and the whitewashing of Golden Dawn in Greece

The trial of Golden Dawn (GD) continues with revelations that should: a) make institutions such as the Greek Police provide a series of explanations; b) make the political elite condemn fascism and Nazism every 10 minutes; and c) make the…

Greek election result analysis: The thunderous silence

These Greek national elections have probably been the quietest in recent years with an “eloquent silence” of the electorate. Everyone should have expected this though after so many surprises and twists that have taken place in Greece in recent months.…

Greek republic in (debt) crisis: The supposed dilemma (part Ι)

Greece’s deficit and financial problems, emerging almost out of the blue in 2009, were handled from the beginning in a confrontational way by both citizens and politicians, inside and outside the country.   At an international level, in economic terms…