
Karina Lagdameo-Santillan

A Filipina from Manila, Philippines. A longtime Humanist. A Creative Director and Advertising Communications professional for many years, she has been active in the Community for Human Development, facilitating workshops for personal and social change to help build a culture of peace, nondiscrimination and nonviolence. She is currently a freelance writer and a volunteer editor-writer for Pressenza in Asia.

Probing Duterte’s Foreign Policy in the New Regional Order, ASEAN, China and the US

Towards an Independent Philippine Foreign Policy By Professor Roland G. Simbulan University of the Philippines & Vice Chair, Center for People’s Empowerment in Governance (CenPeg) (Co-author’s message during the launching of the book, PROBING DUTERTE’S FOREIGN POLICY IN THE NEW…

Politicians Infected by Heights Virus?

A strange thing tends to happen when people rise to positions of power, especially politicians and elected officials who, thanks to their good office have the resources of the country at their disposal. We see it happening all around us,…

Respecting Personal and Cultural Diversity: Filipino Students Garner Top Prizes in National Talent Competition

The World Center for Humanist Studies, Mumbai Chapter, is happy to announce the winners of the recently concluded 2018 National Talent Competition which centered on the Theme: Respecting Personal and Cultural Diversity. Hundreds of participants from different schools and colleges…

The Bangsamoro Basic Law: What it means for peace in Mindanao

I was born and bred a Catholic living in Metro Manila, Luzon, far from the on-going conflict in Mindanao But last year, watching the Marawi siege on TV in the safety of my home, seeing fellow Filipinos fighting each other,…

PMPI Press Statement on Mining Cancellations and Suspensions in the Philippines

When President Duterte assumed office, he promised that his administration would look into the state of minng in the country, especially with regards to its impact on the environment and on the surrounding communities. He nominated a staunch environmental advocate as…

Behind the Golden Door: The Resilience of Today’s Immigrants

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Emma Lazarus (1883) America, the…

Love of the Good and Love of Neighbor: Celebrating UN World Interfaith Harmony Week

It was a Saturday afternoon, usually the busiest day of the week in Metro Manila. Streets were jammed as people went about their weekend activities and chores. Amidst the hustle and bustle, a motley group of people braved the traffic…

Feast of the Black Nazarene: Superstition, Idolatry, Fanatic Faith?

Millions, yes, millions of devotees converge in the navel of Manila, Quiapo, every January 9 to celebrate the Feast of the Black Nazarene. Once a year, the streets of downtown Manila along the route of the Traslacion is transformed into…

Thousands of Militants Mark International Human Rights Day with Rallies and Protests

“Human rights do not have the universal application that would be desirable because they do not flow from the universal power of the human being, but only from the power that one part now exercises over the whole. If even…

Respecting Personal and Cultural Diversity National Talent Competition 2017

How do we deal with the diversity? When we do not respect diversity, we tend to claim that ‘ours’ is superior to ‘theirs’. This stand fosters division among us and promotes bitterness. Each country, each culture, each family and even each…

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