
Juan Pablo Cárdenas

Juan Pablo Cárdenas Squella es un periodista y profesor universitario de vasta trayectoria. En el 2005 recibió en premio nacional de Periodismo y, antes, la Pluma de Oro de la Libertad, otorgada por la Federación Mundial de la Prensa. También obtuvo el Premio Latinoamericano de Periodismo, la Houten Camara de Holanda (1989) entre otras múltiples distinciones nacionales y extranjeras. Forma parte de los sesenta periodistas del mundo considerados Héroes de la Libertad de Expresión, reconocimiento hecho por la Federación Internacional de Periodistas. Ha sido director y columnista de las revistas Debate Universitario, Análisis y Los Tiempos, así como del diario electrónico primeralí También fue por más 18 años director de la Radio Universidad de Chile y de su diario digital. Se ha desempeñado como profesor de varias escuelas de periodismo de Santiago y Valparaíso y en la Universidad de Chile alcanzó el grado de profesor titular y senador universitario.

Chile at a dangerous crossroads

On 4 September, Chileans will decide whether to approve or reject the Magna Carta proposed by the 154 members of the Constituent Convention. Both options are the only ones available in this electoral call, so it is a fallacy or…

The triumph of intolerance

Whether approval or rejection is imposed in the next plebiscite to define our constitutional future, everything augurs a terrible outlook if we consider that in any case what will be imposed is the triumph of intransigence and sectarianism. Especially when…

How far to the left will Boric want to go?

President Gabriel Boric is confident that his Tax Reform will find the broadest support in the National Congress. If we take into account the current political make-up of the Legislative Branch, this means that this initiative would have to be…

I approve or reject, dangerous dichotomy

While it is difficult for us to have a “government of the people”, we could at least aspire to it being “with the people” and “for the people”. Certainly, those who have reached La Moneda belong predominantly to a generation…

Chronicle: The habit does not make the monk

One of the most accurate sayings is that “the habit does not make the monk”. Nothing ensures that a person can be defined in this or that sense by the way he or she dresses. In fact, in recent decades,…

Changes as far as possible?

It is certainly very difficult to disagree with President Boric’s recent message to parliament and the country. A right-wing analyst notes that left-wing speeches are always more attractive as aesthetically more beautiful, which is generally the case. As far as…

In love with the Constitution

It is quite understandable that those who dedicated long and intense months to the work of defining a new Constitution want this text to stand the test of time and not suffer too rapid modifications. Despite the fact that the…

Can Chile be saved?

The reality is that Chile has quickly caught up with the most insecure countries on the continent. It is a thing of the past that we were “the happy copy of Eden”, according to our national anthem, or that pretentious…

The hard craft of criticism

Journalists who have an opinion regularly receive expressions of encouragement and approval for what we write or say. Of course, most of the time these are expressions of support, but sometimes we are also criticised for what we say. In…

Social upheaval, revolt and revolution

What we Chileans had in October 2018 was a great social outburst. A broad and national manifestation of acute discontent that was expressed in cities, avenues and even towns all over the country. An unrest that did not hesitate to…

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