
Juan Pablo Cárdenas

Juan Pablo Cárdenas Squella es un periodista y profesor universitario de vasta trayectoria. En el 2005 recibió en premio nacional de Periodismo y, antes, la Pluma de Oro de la Libertad, otorgada por la Federación Mundial de la Prensa. También obtuvo el Premio Latinoamericano de Periodismo, la Houten Camara de Holanda (1989) entre otras múltiples distinciones nacionales y extranjeras. Forma parte de los sesenta periodistas del mundo considerados Héroes de la Libertad de Expresión, reconocimiento hecho por la Federación Internacional de Periodistas. Ha sido director y columnista de las revistas Debate Universitario, Análisis y Los Tiempos, así como del diario electrónico primeralí También fue por más 18 años director de la Radio Universidad de Chile y de su diario digital. Se ha desempeñado como profesor de varias escuelas de periodismo de Santiago y Valparaíso y en la Universidad de Chile alcanzó el grado de profesor titular y senador universitario.

Allende, fifty years after

Fifty years have passed and President Allende’s ideas are still very much alive in Chile, as they are in Latin America and a large part of the so-called Third World. Years ago, in Guadalajara, we had the good fortune to…

To whom the welfare state owes its debts

In the ideological struggle between rightists and leftists, the so-called welfare state has come to the fore, that is, the situation in which many countries on Earth live that are recognised for their democratic prerogatives, but in which there would…

The Pinochet tsunami

Although in their electoral evaluations, political parties tend to ignore their defeats and always express their squeamishness about the winners, this time in Chile no one failed to appreciate the resounding triumph of the Republican Party and the right-wing as…

Democracy held hostage

It should come as no surprise that several world gauges of public opinion agree that millions of citizens are disappointed with democracy and its ability to truly serve the interests of their nations. Politicians and parties called upon to run…

Social inequality and left-wing governments

A constant that continues over the years: extreme wealth and extreme poverty continue to increase in the world. Today, the wealthiest one percent of the world’s richest people account for two thirds of the world’s wealth, which is why economic…

The ” Chilean” Democracy

The minimum required of democratic countries is that their authorities are elected by the people in free, informed and secret elections. In Chile, let’s say that this objective is fulfilled, although the elections are not so free and informed, because…

A constitutional itinerary now tied up in knots

After a hundred days of a shameful parliamentary spectacle, the political class has agreed on a new institutional route in search of a Constitution. This comes after the complete failure of the first attempt in which the citizenry overwhelmingly rejected…

Chile: Constitution with calculator in hand

To Eila Belila All kinds of reactions have arisen after the triumph of the rejection of the proposed Magna Carta emanating from the Constituent Convention. Those most resistant to change think that this popular verdict simply means that the country…

On politics and religion

The young leaders of Gabriel Boric’s government only know by hearsay or by reading about the administrations of a Frei Montalva, Salvador Allende and Augusto Pinochet himself. You need to be 60 or 70 years old to have been a…

Boric in trouble

The cabinet reshuffle just implemented by President Gabriel Boric was one of the most embarrassing ceremonies in our institutional system in living memory. The lack of tidiness of some of his collaborators led the Head of State to appoint a…

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