
Juan Pablo Cárdenas

Juan Pablo Cárdenas Squella es un periodista y profesor universitario de vasta trayectoria. En el 2005 recibió en premio nacional de Periodismo y, antes, la Pluma de Oro de la Libertad, otorgada por la Federación Mundial de la Prensa. También obtuvo el Premio Latinoamericano de Periodismo, la Houten Camara de Holanda (1989) entre otras múltiples distinciones nacionales y extranjeras. Forma parte de los sesenta periodistas del mundo considerados Héroes de la Libertad de Expresión, reconocimiento hecho por la Federación Internacional de Periodistas. Ha sido director y columnista de las revistas Debate Universitario, Análisis y Los Tiempos, así como del diario electrónico primeralí También fue por más 18 años director de la Radio Universidad de Chile y de su diario digital. Se ha desempeñado como profesor de varias escuelas de periodismo de Santiago y Valparaíso y en la Universidad de Chile alcanzó el grado de profesor titular y senador universitario.

Mexico and the certain triumph of the left

In journalism, it is always risky to make predictions, especially about election results. On 2 June, Mexico will go to the polls for a presidential election, as well as for a large number of state legislatures, governors, and other authorities…

Why shy away from political reform?

To give priority to other legal initiatives, President Boric has refused, for the time being, to undertake the political reforms necessary for the consolidation of democracy. However, this postponement will certainly lead to municipal and legislative elections that will perpetuate…

Electoral engineering versus democracy

The Chilean case is a true expression of the fact that democracy is not just about holding periodic elections. On the contrary, the fundamental preoccupation of political parties can become a real obstacle to the genuine exercise of popular sovereignty.…

Another case of shameful impunity

The newspaper El Mercurio, the main mouthpiece of the right-wing and big business in Chile, dedicated two separate pages to the death of Sergio Fernández, considered the most prominent civilian in the service of Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship. First as his…

The villainous lawyer Hermosilla

For many years, Luis Hermosilla’s fame as one of the country’s leading criminal lawyers was not due to his intellectual and professional merits, but to his ability to relate to political power and to charm the most important businessmen into…

Being mayor, a good deal

Next October, Chile will hold general elections to renew mayors and councilors throughout the country, so the parties are already in all kinds of negotiations and discussions to define their candidates. These elections do not generate as much public interest…

In the age of the pragmatic Left

President Gabriel Boric himself took it upon himself to inform his country of the agreement reached between Codelco, Chile’s most important state mining company, and Soquimich (SQM), the private company that has been operating in the rich Atacama salt flats…

Politics, a lucrative investment

It is a well-known fact that the left is always divided, just as the right also tends to express itself in very belligerent alternatives to each other, although finally they unite and converge to participate in elections or overthrow governments.…

Chile: A left-wing government…

When the left takes over the government, thanks to an electoral and democratic process, its rulers hasten to achieve their reforms before the forces of reaction manage to destabilise it and return to power. This has happened several times in…

Kissinger and the usual right-wingers

Fifty years after the coup d’état of September 1973, beyond the just tributes paid in Chile and around the world to Salvador Allende, we all had the opportunity to observe the tension that this national and global anniversary always produces…

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