
Juan Gómez Valdebenito

Miembro de Mundo Sin Guerras y Sin Violencias

Nonviolence is the force that can save the world

We are being inundated with demonstrations, protests, webinars, conferences, and numerous face-to-face and virtual events calling for peace, opposing war, and warning of the danger of conflicts that could escalate into a third world war or a first nuclear war…

War is a manifestation of our fear. On April 2nd, all over the world, let us extinguish war and ignite peace!

Human beings throughout their history, from the time they settled down as sedentary and had their first lands and animals, began to feel fear of losing those properties. They felt the need to protect them, they armed themselves and created…

NATO summit and its protest marches

As the NATO Summit in Madrid gets underway on 29 June, its detractors are already in their thousands and thousands of people all over Spain and the world. It is worth noting that Spain joined NATO in May 1982, a…

Ode to women on the days against gender violence

Rocío Escobar (Image by Rocío Escobar) Coinciding with the International Day against Violence against Women (25 November), which also marks the beginning of the 16 days of activism against gender violence promoted by the IANSA Network (International Action Network against…