
Johanna Heuveling

lives in Berlin and works as a scientist and science communicator. She is also active in "World without Wars and Violence" and Pressenza. As a journalist she is most interested in refugee politics, weapon trade, Africa, Arts and News from Sciences.

Preparations for a World Peace Congress in Berlin

“The World is over-armed and Peace is under-funded”. With these words from Ban Ki-moon the International Peace Bureau (IPB) is organising a World congress for Disarmament at the Technical University in Berlin from the 30th of September to the 2nd…

Reflections on events in Cologne: “What we need now is a kind of internal mast”

In the aftermath of the sexual assaults attributed to refugees on New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany, and the subsequent outbreak of anti-refugee sentiment and violence in the country, our Editor in Berlin, Johanna Heuveling reflects on the appropriate stance…

Confronting the monstrosity with the most fragile

Poetry against Arms is an initiative that pits poetics against the arms industry worlwide. Anybody can participate, in any language and from any country, to present in the most fit way the sure consequences of dealing in  the weapons business.…

Thinking outside the box – Greek-German exchange

In the basement of the COOP anti-war café in Berlin, in an almost conspiratorial atmosphere, we met with Marianella Kloka from Pressenza Athens for the Greek-German exchange. She is a long-time activist and human rights expert and has closely followed…

Impressions of Budapest train station

Pictures taken by our photographer Anita Szeicz at the 4th of september 2015, Keleti station in Budapest, three hours before the first bus left Budapest towards Vienna.

Greece and EU at this moment of time

(Greek translation below) Interview with Marianella Kloka in Greece for a dialogue among the active civil society of Europe. J: At this tense moment: How is the atmosphere in Greece? M: People are holding their breath. We are all waiting…

Angela Davis speaks with refugees in Berlin

The US-human rights activist Angela Davis visited the refugees who occupied the Gerhard Hauptmann school in Berlin at the 15th of may After the district had forbidden a visit within the school for a talk, the refugees explained their situation…

Dance project for children in Uganda to celebrate diversity

Interview with Arthur Conrad Kisitu Arthur Kisitu is a Ugandan artist who decided to live for some time in a slum in Kampala, called Katanga – No Man’s Land. As a photographer he became involved in the lives of his…

Conflict about refugee protests in Germany is getting worse

Since two years now, Germany is shaken by refugees who protest against isolation in far-off asylum seekers camps, against the obligation to reside in their camps, for fair and fast procedures for granting the right for asylum, in general for…

A Christian Network against Homophobic Campaigning by African Churches

Interview with Nigerian gay rights activist Davis Mac-Iyalla by Steven Hummer and Johanna Heuveling, August 2014 In Nigeria, like in many African countries, homosexual acts are punished with long prison terms or even the death penalty. Christian churches play a…

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