
Javier Tolcachier

Javier Tolcachier is a researcher from the World Centre of Humanist Studies, an organism of the Humanist Movement. Mail: Twitter: @jtolcachier

In the face of renewed fighting in the Democratic Republic of Congo, East African Community urges rebel factions to peace talks

At a meeting in the Kenyan capital, the governments of five of the seven countries belonging to the East African Community launched a plan to prevent the outbreak of a new armed conflict in the North Kivu region in the…

Good sign: truce in Yemen war holds

The truce agreed in the Yemeni armed conflict between the Saudi-led coalition and the ruling Houthi forces is now entering its third week. The UN-mediated cessation of hostilities, initially expected to last at least two months with the possibility of…

In an impressive display of active nonviolence, Sri Lankan people demand presidential resignation

“Probably the most decent, peaceful demonstration I have ever seen. No garbage drops. Cleanly kept. Well behaved. No drunks, lunatics, thieves or even smokers. Plenty of free food and drinks given by kind people. Even the camps are orderly erected.…

Blockade of Cuba, is an act of brutality and anti-humanism that has been going on for 60 years now

From 2 to 3 April, a 24-hour virtual media marathon took place to show solidarity with the Cuban people and to demand the immediate lifting of the US blockade against Cuba, an aggression that began in 1962. Hundreds of media,…

The fallacy of technological solutions to social problems

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Clarke’s Third Law, Profiles of the Future, Arthur C. Clarke Throughout human history, discoveries and inventions have always had a great impact on the way we know and live. But they have…

Wars don’t start when the first bullets whistle

Every war is a disaster and an anachronism. There is no because that justifies the destruction of human life. By Javier Tolcachier But war does not begin when the first bullets whistle, but long before. War begins when astronomical sums…

A strategy against divisiveness and disillusionment

“Utopia is on the horizon. I walk two steps, it moves two steps away and the horizon runs ten steps further. So, what is utopia for? That’s what it’s for, it’s for walking. This famous phrase, popularised by Eduardo Galeano,…

Latin America and the Caribbean: An optimistic reading amidst waves and gales

The global pandemic deepened the precarious conditions of the majorities, generated by capitalist financialisation, and cruelly revealed the shortages and inequalities produced by the neoliberal order, only attenuated in some places by progressive social systems of containment. By Javier Tolcachier…

“Nonviolent Journalism” book presented at the Open World Meeting of New Humanism 2021

And, by the way, Press people in contact with daily tragedy are today in a position to act in a humanist direction…” Silo. Letters to my friends. With this significant phrase Nelsy Lizarazo began the presentation of the book “Nonviolent…

First Continental Conference on Trade Union Communication: In search of convergence of popular communication

The First Continental Conference on Trade Union Communication, which took place between 27 and 29 October, dedicated its second day to the theme of Popular Communication. As stated in the Road Map collectively debated within the different centres and sectors…

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