
Javier Tolcachier

Javier Tolcachier is a researcher from the World Centre of Humanist Studies, an organism of the Humanist Movement. Mail: Twitter: @jtolcachier

2 October, from Gandhi to Lula

On October 2, the Brazilian people have before them a challenge with enormous implications. On that day the population will decide a large part of its immediate future at the ballot box, electing in the executive branch those who will…

Argentina: Humanists reaffirm the need for a strong commitment to Nonviolence

In a communiqué entitled “Nonviolence, an urgent commitment”, the Humanist Movement of Cordoba welcomed the initiative of the League of Governors to “make visible the need to install Peace and Nonviolence as guiding principles of life in common in Argentinean…

Hundreds of thousands demonstrate in the streets of Argentina against violence

Hate outside. With these significant words, the actress and head of the Argentinean Actors Association, Alejandra Darín, closed the central message in front of hundreds of thousands of people in the mythical Plaza de Mayo. An act that was replicated…

The new government in Colombia has taken office, a great opportunity for peace

John Lennon’s famous song “Give peace a chance” has travelled the world since its recording in 1969, chanted by millions of voices as an anthem for peace. In Colombia, death would still thunder for decades, even after a Peace Accord…

The fall of the other half of the world

On 9 November 1989 the world was shaken. With the Berlin Wall, the curtain fell on the Soviet experience and the bloc of nations in Eastern Europe that had cultivated, with light and shadow, a centralist socialism was unravelling. On…

Ecuador: The ghosts of the National Strike

After 18 days of mobilisations throughout Ecuador, which had their final epicentre in Quito, the indigenous organisations signed an agreement with the national government, bringing to an end what they called the “first stage” of the strike. A period of…

Colombia: Elections controlled by the media-corporate cartel

It is no secret that every media outlet has an editorial line, that is to say, a way of seeing and showing things. A vision from which each media outlet (or group of media outlets) gives visibility to what suits…

Second round of elections in Colombia: “Tasty” dialogue with young people living abroad

Ahead of the second round of the presidential elections in Colombia, Pressenza invited Katherin Gómez, Camilo Espinosa and Francisco Rubio Pérez, young Colombians currently living in Córdoba, Argentina, to talk about their expectations, their dreams, their demands, their relationship with…

Colombia: Why vote, and for whom?

There are those who say that voting is useless. That no candidate fulfils his promises, that real power prevents a programme of real change from being carried out, that once “on top”, amnesia erases all moral commitment to the majority…

Digital technology and education: social necessity or business as usual?

Before attempting to provide a response to the question posed about what could be a possible digitalisation agenda to guarantee the Human Right to education, and to enter into the specific subject of the relationship between digital technologies and education,…

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