
Javier Tolcachier

Javier Tolcachier is a researcher from the World Centre of Humanist Studies, an organism of the Humanist Movement. Mail: Twitter: @jtolcachier

Beyond empires, the Universal Human Nation

The post-election landscape in the United States of America is an indecent spectacle. Once again the discrepancy between the discourse that propagates democratic values and actual political practice in that country is confirmed. Various analysts have pointed out on many…

Defying the neoliberal prescriptions: The organic veins in América Latina

Javier Tolcachier 22/10/2019 Evo won! The process of change won. By a small difference, after the count, the officialist binomio overcame the barrier of ten points over the second, Carlos Mesa. The representa tive of neoliberalism was the ex-vice president…

The Chinese vision of a “Community of Shared Destiny for Humanity”: a prelude to a universal humanist moment?

by Javier Tolcachier The 70th anniversary (1/10) of the founding of the People’s Republic of China is approaching. This anniversary will be celebrated by the Chinese people, now a world power. Far from demanding revenge for a past of hunger,…

The the Latin American Right is burning

by Javier Tolcachier* The flames in the Amazon synthesize the picture of the current political situation in Latin America. According to a recent bulletin from the Tricontinental Institute of Social Research, this year there have been 40,341 fires in the…

Universal Citizenship, a Humanist Response to Violence against Migrants

by Javier Tolcachier – *Photos: Edú León They are drowned in the Mediterranean, deported to the Balkans, persecuted in the United States, exploited in the Far and Middle East, detained in Europe, discriminated against in South America, violent in Central…

G20: False dilemmas, theatre and cruelty

Today, the G20 is a meeting that politically represents the interests of large corporations and global finance. In other words, it serves the business of capital and in no way takes into account the well-being of the people who live…

Raise the alarm! Fascism marching through Latin America

by Javier Tolcachier The imminent election in Brazil is key to the future of Latin America and the Caribbean. Next October 7, positions of political power in the legislative chambers, the governorships will be resolved and it will be defined…

The monopolistic firewall against democratic communication in Latin America and the Caribbean

We share with our readers the text of the paper presented by Javier Tolcachier, in the event “Unraveling Digital Social Networks”, held in Quito on August 29, 30 and 31, convened by ALAI, FLACSO and CIESPAL. We have become media…

Sixth International Meeting on Killer Robots opens at UN Geneva on 27 August

More than 70 countries are expected to participate in a Convention on certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) meeting on lethal autonomous weapons systems at the United Nations (UN) in Geneva on 27-31 August 2018. It will be the sixth time since…

Law on the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy: Millions of Argentines and Latin Americans hope it will be law!

This is an important historical moment. The eyes and hearts of millions of Argentine and Latin American women will be set on this 8 August in the Argentine Senate, where the Law on the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy will be…

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