

Still seeking to meet Trust where She stands, J.Jill embraces service as key to gratitude and balance in life. She feels most serene in freshwater woodlands and has shared space-time on terrain of her Ligurian and Oscan ancestors. Today, after over thirty years of service in children’s programs, secondary, university and adult education, she accepts and offers unpredictable life-gifts on the Matinecock-Algonquin earth of Long Island.

History, Facts, Observations, Inferences: Making It Simple

During times uncertain, an increased longing for normalcy, for the familiar to reassure offers comfort that things will be ok. The Art Linkletter Show- Kids Say the Darndest Things- aired from 1952 through 1970, brought the candor and innocence of…

Self-Reliance: The Whoa Nellie Dairy Farm Decision of Going Local

On a 500 acre farm operating since the 1700s, people social distancing wait in line to purchase an increasing variety of local products— free range eggs from grain-fed chickens, honey, maple syrup, a variety of cheeses like Fontina, Yellow Cheddar,…

Greater New York Green Options: More Than Gardens

Food quality, investigation into labeling, Non GMO, organic foods, plant-based diets, food insecurity, sustainability, the environment—in recent years, these issues have become ever-more important for the health and well-being of the public becoming ever-more aware of informed choices for their…

More Concerns: Legislative Oversight Amid Covid-19

At times of difficulty, confusion seems to reign. Congressional leadership acts with one legislative piece after another, but more often, a bill contains something to placate the people while substantial concessions are made elsewhere. For those watching, it’s an all-too…

Italian Liberation Day: Yesterday’s Lessons for Today’s History

Although people will not be gathering in the streets and piazzas, there will be virtual connection and transmissions to remind Italians of the democratic values, social solidarity, cultural pluralism, and civil rights that rose to become part of the Constitution…

Concerted Crisis Efforts: Hands of The Workers

The evident message of COVID-19 to many who have recognized it before, remains how connected we all are. As the world watches and absorbs mixed messages, reality for society’s fabric – the people – becomes one of questions and a…

All Rise: A Board Certified Chaplain Speaks Her Mind & Heart

This was shared today on a Facebook forum in which I am a participant. The post is from a Board Certified Chaplain whose job it is to be in hospitals, to visit, comfort, and serve patients within the institution and…

US Peace Prize – How much is Peace worth?

A Mission to change the US War Culture  Teaching foreign language in a public high school through the horrors of 9/11 and the subsequent calls for war had been challenging for those like me who believe in making connections in…

Understanding Presence: International Women’s Day 2020 – #EachforEqual

By j.jill The March fifth NY Times article captions, Women’s Unpaid Labor is Worth $10,900,000,000,000 (G.Wezerek, K.Ghodsee) and thoughts turn to a number of issues, one being the equation by which we value contributions to the quality of our lives.…

November Nostalgia 2019: End of a Decade

By j.jill As Thanksgiving week hammers its start-of-the-season advertising from restorative nostalgia around family tables—turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes— to Black Friday ads that repeat the same jingle every two minutes, it’s time to turn it all off and just…

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