

Still seeking to meet Trust where She stands, J.Jill embraces service as key to gratitude and balance in life. She feels most serene in freshwater woodlands and has shared space-time on terrain of her Ligurian and Oscan ancestors. Today, after over thirty years of service in children’s programs, secondary, university and adult education, she accepts and offers unpredictable life-gifts on the Matinecock-Algonquin earth of Long Island.

Heeding Nature’s Ways

    ESSAY     By Jacqui Jill In a quiet neighborhood, in a not-so-different town, a grandfather told his grandson a story that he would always remember as he grew. The six-year-old possessed an unusual curiosity for everything and…

Changing the World by Making Friends

This week in the midst of television news with the continued horrors of gun violence, the various definitions of “freedom” from right to left, and the realization of its nonexistence in the middle of contention, demands, ratings, and a mule-headedness…

Listen to the Children!

It is said that pictures are worth a thousand words, and this is, of course true.  Yet, in these months of COVID, when children have been deprived of their “life as usual”, parents, teachers, our friends and neighbors have taken…

Unearthing History Unchecked: November 1917

A good friend of mine in Rome, Italy sent me this blog article which struck me in a particular way during this time. In disbelief, I witness the rise of “privileged” defiance, self-absorption—the criticizing, threatening, exclusion of different voices. I…

Science & The Arts: A Call for Climate Action to the Global Community

Six years ago, I was in search of meaningful, inspirational films for my high school Italian class. A series of contacts allowed me to meet a powerhouse couple in Rome, Italy during a planned school trip. Paolo Bianchini and Paola…

Global Days of Listening and Innovation in Education 2020

Noted entertainer and founder of an effective method of communicating, Alan Alda is quoted as saying, “Listening is being able to be changed by the other person”. In dual celebration of the International Day of Peace and the tenth anniversary…

The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

Join the New York State Poor People’s Campaign Meeting on Wednesday, July 1 at 5pm In 1968, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many others called for a “revolution of values” in America. They sought to build a broad,…

…It’s Time: March, March

Many have noted that the era in which we live has uncanny parallels to our historical past. As a teenager in the 60s, I remember the American unrest during that period. Reading about it in from different points of view…

The Poor People’s Campaign: National Call for Moral Revival

ACTIONS: Monday, June 8th and Saturday June 20th, 2020 In 1968, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many others called for a “revolution of values” in America. They sought to build a broad, fusion movement that could unite poor…

“They” Are Not Nameless

Many across the world have viewed media images of mass protests and demonstrations in collective and individual exasperation at the [yet another] filmed, deliberate, senseless death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The millions of people who have exercised their…

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