
Inter Press Service

IPS is an international communications institution at the heart of a global news agency that amplifies the voices of the South and civil society on development, globalisation, human rights and the environment.

Building More Democratic Families in Argentina

By Marcela Valente A wide-ranging reform of Argentina’s civil code is looking to replace traditional concepts of parental authority and control with one of parental responsibility, while expressly prohibiting corporal punishment for children and adolescents. “The changes are pursuing a…

Bombed, Wounded, and Celebrating

By Mel Frykberg The ceasefire has brought extremities in Gaza. In the morning the coastal territory woke up bashed and bloody from one of Israel’s most intensive nights of bombardment since a week’s tit for tat violence broke out between…

Keeping African Roots Alive in Brazil

By Fabiana Frayssinet A Nigerian diviner dances and sings next to a Brazilian priest of the Candomblé religion, brought to this South American country by African slaves, that is now being rescued from oblivion in school texts on national history…

China’s New Leadership Led by Xi Jinping*

By AJ Correspondents State media report that Xi Jinping is to take the reins of China’s all-powerful Communist Party in a leadership transition that will put him in charge of the world’s number-two economy for the next decade. Xi, the…

Creditors’ Stalemate Brings Greece to Knife Edge

By Apostolis Fotiadis Ignoring the thousands of protestors gathered outside the Greek parliament on Wednesday, the government voted in public spending cuts amounting to 17 billion dollars in an economy already on its knees from a lacerated budget. The government…

The effects of Chernobyl could last for centuries

Last month experts published a series of studies indicating that, contrary to previous conclusions, the animal populations are decreasing in the exclusion zone which surrounds the site where the former Soviet nuclear plant functioned, and that the effects of the radioactive contamination following the explosion have been “overwhelming”.

DISARM: Hollywood against nuclear warheads

Two Hollywood film-makers joined a queen from the Middle East and a computer multimillionaire along with diplomats from the United States in order to demand from world leaders meeting next week in the United States a world without nuclear weapons. The promoters of the film say “our only choice is eradicating every last missile”

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