
Independent Media Institute

The Independent Media Institute (IMI) is a nonprofit organization that educates the public through a diverse array of independent media projects and programs. IMI works with journalists and media outlets to shine a spotlight on stories that are vital to the public interest, using multiple media formats and distribution channels.

How Community Solar Power Projects Support Homeless Housing and Fight the Extractive Fuel Industry

New Mexico’s efforts to solarize local venues paint a vision for a future of community energy self-sufficiency. By April M. Short Homelessness has been on the rise nationwide due to the economic impacts of COVID-19, and in New Mexico it…

US Economy Excels at One Thing: Producing Massive Inequality

To solve the extreme inequality of US capitalism requires systemic change, an end to capitalism pitting employers against employees. By Richard D. Wolff To grasp the sheer magnitude of US economic inequality in recent years, consider its two major stock…

How the Community Helps Sustain Portland’s Ongoing Black Lives Matter Protests

Portlanders have been protesting everyday since May. Community mutual aid ‘blocs’ support BIPOC activists with everything from groceries to haircuts to tattoos. By April M. Short At any given Black Lives Matter (BLM) event in Portland, you might encounter what…

The COVID-19 Pandemic Can’t Be Managed—It Has to Be Eradicated

The real answer to our dire situation is maddeningly obvious: adopt a strong elimination strategy rather than trying to chaotically manage a disease that is overwhelming us. By Sonali Kolhatkar For millions of Americans who believe that COVID-19 is real,…

War Is Not Innate to Humanity—A More Peaceful Future Is Possible, Says Historical Anthropologist

Brian Ferguson’s research on the origins of war, going back to the beginning of human history and our closest ape relatives, suggests war is not part of our evolution. By April M. Short War and all of its brutality is…

The Republican Dam on Immigration Is Cracking, and Now They Will Pay for Their Racism

We saw what Trump’s anti-immigrant policies and rhetoric did to the country over four long years. The GOP has no right to oppose Biden’s plan for mass legalization. By Sonali Kolhatkar On day one of his presidency, Joe Biden signed…

How a Lawbreaking International Coalition Failed to Overthrow Venezuela’s Government

By Vijay Prashad and Carlos Ron On January 5, 2021, the newly elected National Assembly took its seats in Venezuela’s capital. That day the Lima Group released a statement most of its members signed saying that they did not recognize…

In America, Business Profits Come First Over the Pandemic

Blaming the deadly virus surge on individuals and their risky behavior ignores that the real fault lies with a government that chooses to prioritize the health of businesses over that of humans. By Sonali Kolhatkar Los Angeles, California, is now…

Chomsky and Prashad: Three Major Threats to Life on Earth That We Must Address in 2021

By Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad Large parts of the world—outside of China and a few other countries—face a runaway virus, which has not been stopped because of criminal incompetence by governments. That these governments in wealthy countries cynically set…

Even the Opposition Believes Venezuela’s Election Was Legitimate

By Vijay Prashad Before the National Assembly elections on December 6 in Venezuela, the United States government began a campaign to delegitimize the process. The U.S. government sanctioned the head of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and members of the…

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